This October 19, Minecraft Dungeons introduces its third seasonal adventure called Fauna Faire! Let’s find out what it’s all about.
Everything You Need To Know About The FAUNA FAIRE Update In Minecraft Dungeons
In the Minecraft Dungeon’s portion of Minecraft Live 2022, Mojang announced the third seasonal adventure that will be releasing on October 19, which is apparently all about your friendly, furry companions (pets, we mean pets). Along with pets, there will be some new animal mobs ranging from otters to hedgehogs.
Coming along with new animal mobs, Fauna Faire will bring in new animal-themed skins for you to wear, like a chicken.

Just like with the previous two seasonal adventures, Fauna Faire will come with two reward tracks: one that you can get for free and one Adventure Pass track, which you have to pay for. But if you are a big fan of Minecraft Dungeons, then you should have no problem opening your wallet for that extra pass.

The Tower is also getting a bit of an update. Not only are you getting more floors and different encounters, but now you can have more players join you when you run through the Tower! You can now enter the Tower multiplayer with up to four players. Four players mean four times the fun! But don’t relax, because you need to have each other’s backs to survive the Tower.

There also appears to be a new merchant in town that resides somewhere in the outskirts. They say he specializes in enchanting gear and doing magical stuff with them. Well those rumors appear to be true! The Enchantsmith opens up shop at exactly 8 o’clock at the Adventure Hub. The Echantsmith utilizes his abilities by re-rolling properties of your gear.

Finally, we also have a new level to explore called Treetop Tangle. When arriving at the area, you will find yourself looking up to see the incredibly large tree that you will be climbing up in order to discover anything worth valuable, or any secrets. But if you manage to complete the level, well there’s some pretty good gear waiting for you at the end.

Fauna Faire is jam-packed with new content and changes; Minecraft Dungeon players are sure to be happy, so be sure to check it out when you get the chance.
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