Being a street racer means you are going to be racing down the streets, which is highly illegal by the way (don’t do it unless you plan on going to jail). But thanks to video games like Need For Speed, you can see what it’s like to be a street racer at the safety of your home. You can experience buying cars, customizing your vehicles, tuning the engine to your preference, and many more. You can also find some dope collectibles as well. In this guide, we show you how to find all Southland Drive collectibles.
Southland Drive All Collectible Locations – Need For Speed Unbound
Billboard #1

There are a total of 5 collectibles in Southland Drive, and you can find the first one here, which is a Billboard.

This is the first Billboard, and you will have to drive off the highway to get it. You will need to angle your car correctly, because you will miss if you don’t.
Billboard #2

This is the last Billboard, and you can find it here.

There will be a ramp to help you get to the billboard, so be sure to get some distance and speed to get the proper jump to reach the billboard.
Bear Champ #1

Moving on to the next set of collectibles, which are the Bear Champs. There are only two here, and you can find the first one here on the map.

The Bear Champ is hiding in between the trailer and the building.
Bear Champ #2

The last Bear Champ can be found here in this area.

The Bear Champ is found here under the bridge, next to Lake Virgil.
Street Art

The last collectible is one Street Art, which you can find here.

The Street Art is on the side of the building. Interact with the ladder full of paint stuff and you will have gotten all of the collectibles for Southland Drive.
ALSO READ: Need For Speed Unbound: Rosehill Drive All Collectible Locations