The Halloween Update for Peroxide has fans excited with the range of content that is on offer. This includes new items to collect and races to unlock that provide players with unique builds and stat boosts. When the update rolls in, players will be able to collect Wungus mushrooms available only during this season.
In this guide, we will show you the common Wungus spawn locations so that you are able to grind and collect as many of them. They only spawn during this update and can be used to get some sweet rewards. So you want to take full advantage of them before they are unavailable. Let’s dive in and see where and how to locate them!
All Wungus Spawn & Secret Locations
Wungus Mushroom Patches are available all throughout the world of Peroxide for the entirety of this year’s Halloween Event.
This means there are many other places you can find them besides the locations we have highlighted. However, the locations mentioned do have lots of Wungus, so you can farm them much more easily.

Wungus Mushrooms allow you to get some great rewards from the Harvester NPC. He only spawns during the Halloween event and can be found near the Ancient Temple and Graveyard area.

Here’s a list of all the items you can redeem with the Wungus-es:
- Essence of Halloween (Event exclusive) – 120 Wungus
- Unlocks a thematic skin for one of your abilities, adding a spooky twist to your gameplay.
- Bring forth Hell (Event exclusive)– 666 Wungus
- Using this item will let you access the event- exclusive HELLVERSE Boss Fight.
- The Methamorphoses (Event exclusive) – 7777 Wungus
- This curse gives the player 60% better Reiatsu Regen, 20 Reiatsu and 50 Agility. However, it takes away 4 Vitality. Basically, it’s like the Bungus Curse from last year.
- 30 Wungus – Clan Reroll
- 10 Wungus – 150 Yen

Location #1 – Graveyard
The first location is none other than the Graveyard. Conveniently, this is where the Harvester NPC can also be found.
The first thing you want to do is locate Wungus patches on the graves. You can find plenty of them on the tombstones and you can easily pick them up. However, there are many more Wungus mushrooms available on other parts of this area.

Once you’ve cleared the graves, look for small cliffs that you can climb up. There are plenty of these scattered all around the Graveyard. Climb up these cliffs and grab the Wungus Patches there.

You may have to dash to get access to some areas on top of these cliffs. Make sure to explore all around to ensure you have cleared all the Wungus.

Location #2 – Heart Cave
The second location you can locate Wungus Patches is the inside of the Heart Cave and the surrounding area. Start by exploring the areas outside and you should be able to find plenty of them.
After that, enter inside the cave and you should be able to find plenty more Wungus inside. There are also some platforms inside that you can climb up and get more Wungus Patches.

However, most of the Wungus patches in this area are on the cliffs on top of the Heart Cave. Exit the Cave and start climbing up these cliffs to locate them.
As long as there is a platform to climb upon, you can continue to keep going up and you’ll find Wungus.
Also make sure to explore and dash around as there are many Wungus patches that are hidden in corners. If done right, you can farm a ton of Wungus mushrooms here.

Location #3 – Park
The Park is yet another great area to farm some Wungus Patches. Explore the Park and look around the trees in particular for the Mushrooms.

This area doesn’t yield a lot of Wungus, but it is a very easy area to navigate. This way you are able to get some Wungus patches incredibly quickly.
Be sure to check the corners, although this should not be difficult because the platforms are very small.

Location #4 – Karakura Hospital
The Karakura Hospital also houses many Wungus Patches. You can find it right next to the Park which will make farming it much easier.

You can enter the Hospital and find these patches inside the various rooms.

There is also a secret area on this Hospital that has a lot of Wungus Patches. Start by climbing the side of the Hospital building that is as close to the Hospital entrance as possible.

After that, walk along the side of the Hospital and you should see a platform above the entrance.

Jump to this platform, and you should be able to find scores of Wungus Patches on this platform. You can get up to 10 or more Wungus Mushrooms just on this small Platform.

Location #5 – Supermarket
Another location where you can find a few Wungus Patches is in a Supermarket near the Hospital Bus Stop. Specifically, it is the building that is right next to the Hobo Monk NPC.

Enter the building and you should be able to find around 3 Patches of Wungus. Not the best yield, but certainly worth getting if you are in the area.

That’s everything you need to know about Wungus Spawn and Secret Locations in Peroxide. Keep in mind that there are other places where you can find Wungus Patches if you explore the map. This includes areas like cliffs and alleyways where they can be picked up. Keep at it and eventually you should be able to get some great rewards from the Harvester NPC!
READ NEXT: Peroxide: How to Get Curse Of Bungus