Finally, after a long wait the big Project Slayers 1.5 update is here and with it comes a bunch of content. From new gear, to cool new weapons and even some new breathing styles for you to try out. This update is jam-packed with enough content to hopefully keep us entertained until 2.0!
In this guide, we’ll show you how to get one of the new weapons in the game, the Sound Katanas. So, let’s see what you need to do to get these awesome weapons!
How to Get Sound Katanas
To get this weapon you’ll need to get ready for a long grind because it’s all up to RNG. That’s because when you look at the information on the Sound Katanas, they only drop from Tier 5 chests. Not only that but their chance to drop is a whopping 0.5%.

So to get the Sound Katanas in Project Slayers you’ll need to farm for those Tier 5 chests. That means repeatedly fighting bosses like Tengen until they drop a chest and hope that RNG is with you for that day!
Here are the bosses that drop Tier 5 chests and their locations:
- Rengoku – Mist Trainer Location
- Akeza – Akeza Cave
- Douma – Devourers Cave
- Tengen – Sound Cave

That’s how you get the Sound Katanas in Project Slayers. It’s all about the RNG so you might get it on your first hours or in 50! There are some things the update added that’s not reliant on RNG though, and one of them is Snow Breathing. In our guide on how to get Snow Breathing we go in-depth on how to obtain this new breathing style so check that out!
ALSO READ: Project Slayers: How To Get War Fans Weapon | Update 1.5