To progress further into the game, you need to unlock the safe inside the Observatory in the Temperance stage. Inside is the Selene Key that leads to the nuclear reactor area. How do you actually get the code?
Here’s how to unlock the safe in the Observatory of Temperance!
Observatory Code On Temperance – Raft
The code can be obtained by getting some sticky notes scattered throughout the Observatory.

Once you get all 4 notes, go to the main area and interact with the constellation map. The notes refer to the number that is represented by the stars in the constellation.
For example, the hook constellation has 6 stars in it and since it’s the 3rd note it means that the hook is the 3rd number of the safe; so, the 3rd number is 6.
If you don’t want to go through the hassle here’s the Observatory Code On Temperance: 5-9-6-4.
Congratulations, you just opened the safe and found yourself a key, a blueprint and some vending tokens. Hope this helps!