Although it is still very early in development, Grace has been getting a lot of attention recently. In a nutshell, it is a faster paced version of games like Doors, and it features its own set of unique entities that you will need to avoid. In this guide, we will be showing you how to deal with each of these enemy types so that you can speed through rooms as safely as possible!
Complete Entities Guide
Before we begin, one thing to keep in mind is that the checkpoints you will be running into every several rooms will have notes that give you hints about the entities. That also serves as a warning that they will start spawning from there on out.
If you want to learn more about the other basic mechanics of the game, make sure to check out our guide & walkthrough for Grace as well. Without further ado, let us go through each known entity right now!
Entity #1 – The Carnation
The very first monster you will encounter in the game is called the Carnation. When you see pink flames on the edges of your screen, this means that this entity is active in the map.
In order to avoid certain death, what you must do is continue through the doors until you can find a little hiding spot in the next room. It might take you up to three rooms or so to find a hiding spot, so keep running if you can’t see any.
All you need to do is wait for it to zip by. You can’t mess this up once you are hiding, as there are very obvious visual and audio cues for its passing. Here is an example of what hiding spots look like:

Entity #2 – The Slight
The Slight is a giant eye monster that emits a blue aura within the room it is in. The only thing you need to do in order to avoid getting killed by it is to look away. Really that is all there is to this entity.
Basically, when you see a blue aura in the next room, just make sure that the black and white eye is not visible as you run towards the next door. In most cases, you can completely avoid it by accident, so it is nothing much to worry about.
You can also check the door before you go through it. As long as the door is still closed, the Slight cannot get to you even if you are staring right at it. In the event that you have a lot of time left and are taking it slow, you can freely look around from the previous room.

Entity #3 – Slugfish
The Slugfish is a giant snake-like monster with an eye in its mouth, and it will charge directly through every door as it passes by. When it is active, you will see white flames on the edges of your screen (same visual as the Carnation but with a different color).
All you need to do is stay on the sides of the room whenever it spawns. Just like the Carnation, it makes a loud noise as it passes by, and you can safely watch it do so if no other monster is about to mess you up.

Entity #4 – The Elkman
The Elkman is a tall creature that just kinda stands there and stares at you. It typically blocks the way forward, and in order to get rid of it, all you need to do is walk away and wait for it to disappear.
It is safe to touch as far as we know, but if you stay within its sightlines, you will die instantly. Basically, the static on your screen will progressively get worse as it stares at you. Eventually, your screen will flicker and abruptly black out.
Hide behind a wall and then peek again after maybe a second or two. If it is no longer there, then you are now safe to proceed to the next room!

Entity #5 – The Heed
This one is fairly simple. The Heed is just the opposite of the Slight in that it encourages you to stare at it to survive. Rather than blue, this monster will emit a red aura in the room that it is in, and the eye itself is also the same color.
To avoid getting killed, you have to keep your eyes glued to it until you reach the next room. Always keep this in mind: blue = look away, while red = stare!

Entity #6 – The Sorrow
Sorrow is not exactly a monster, but rather an occurrence that you need to constantly be aware of. Whenever your screen starts getting covered by a faint red fog, that means that Sorrow is going to be active soon.
When this happens, you need to rush under a ceiling of any kind to survive the coming rain of suspiciously red liquid. As the note stated, doorframes also count as cover, so if you have a bad room, just run back to the door and stand in the middle of it.

Entity #7 – The Dozer
The Dozer is a yellow smiley face that appears in the middle of your screen. It is impossible to miss, and what you need to do is crouch before it opens its eyes. To do this, hold CTRL and do not let go or even move until the face goes away.
You have about three seconds, give or take, to crouch before the Dozer opens its eyes. If you managed to get down in time, you should be completely fine and are free to continue on when it disappears.

Entity #8 – The Goatman
The Goatman is not really something that you run away from. Instead, it is something that will destroy you if you fail to reach the checkpoint in time. If you want to avoid it, then do not let the timer run to zero.
Whenever you are late to the checkpoint, the entire map will start getting brighter, and something will eventually grab you from above. Always pay attention to the timer to avoid such a fate. When the Goatman is coming, your timer will only say “HIDE NOW”, though you seemingly can’t.
And those are all of the entities currently in the game. Remember, Grace is still very early in development, so these mechanics may or may not change over time, and more monsters will eventually be added in the future!