Sakura Stand is a ROBLOX game based on the series JoJo’s Bizarre and many other animes. The gameplay focuses primarily on fighting and farming. As you progress, there are also many secret quests for you to go on, which will give you unique rewards upon completion.
The New Secret Spec Step is a questline you can do in the game with multiple steps. During the quest, you will have to complete a maze, which can be really difficult. In this guide, we will show you the specific steps on that you need to do to finish all three different steps for this one quest.
Complete Guide On How To Make The New Secret Spec Step 1, 2 & 3
First, you will need to enter the Dark Alley. When you first spawn, walk behind you and look to the left.
There will be a small, dark entrance you can interact with. Upon interacting with it, you will be able to enter the Dark Alley.

After that, you will be able to access the Dark Alley maze. In this maze, you will need to collect a total of 6 different letters.
They also have to be in the right order. Collect the letters in this sequence: S-H-A-D-O-W. In the image below, you can see the maze map with the letters’ locations.

After that, go to the location of the Dark Orb. Once you get there, type ‘Shadow‘ in the chat. This will let you receive a special quest.
With this quest accepted, you will now be able to go to the next stage of the mission. Now, reset your character and respawn to get out of the area.

For the second step, you’ll need to find all of the Roman Letters. These are hidden around the map. In the image below, you will be able to see their exact location. You’ll also need to collect these letters in their sequence as well (from Alpha to Eta).

After you have found them at their location, you will need to say their Greek name in front of them.
For example, if you found the Roman letter Alpha, you will need to type in άλφα in the chat. In the list below, you can copy these Greek names to type in the chat when you find the letters:
- 1° άλφα (Alpha)
- 2° βήτα (Beta)
- 3° γάμμα (Gamma)
- 4° δέλτα (Delta)
- 5° έψιλον (Epsilon)
- 6° ζήτα (Zeta)
- 7° ήτα (Eta)

After that, go back to the maze and redo the first step. This means that you’ll need to find the letters in the S-H-A-D-O-W sequence again. Then, go to the location of the Dark Orb and type ‘Shadow’ in the chat.
You will then receive another second quest, requiring you to sacrifice one of your friends with two breakthrough points. As you do this, your friend has to be offline.

For the third stage, the final stage of the quest, you will simply want to survive. You will need to stay alive for a total of 24 hours on official servers. Your progress counts after you log off, so you won’t have to be online for a straight 24 hours.

That is how you can make The New Secret Spec Step 1, 2 & 3 in Sakura Stand. During this one quest, you’ll spend most of your time spending the letters that are hidden around the areas. For the last stage, try your best to survive. Otherwise, you’ll have to start all over again since the progress is lost.
READ NEXT: Sakura Stand: All Geto & Secret Spec Cid Kagenou Leaks
if u switch ur spec the time resets?
Every 1 or 2 hours there is a coundown that if reach 0 all players die if i die from this will it count ? Also if i change spec or equipment will it resets again ?
Has anyone seriously gotten shadow like this?
I’ve been trying to get it for a week and it hasn’t died even once and still nothing happens I’ve been doing the house of shadows mission and I think it’s a bug or something because it can’t be achieved it’s not completed nothing so the best thing I recommend is Let them throw money at the banner and don’t waste time or get their hopes up that it can’t be achieved that way and there isn’t a single video that someone has achieved it with that method.