Starfield is an RPG game that’s full of quests that can take you to many different planets and galaxies. These side quests can be simple and easy to do. Bring one thing to another location and you’re done. But not all of them are simple.
Sometimes, these quests can take a wild turn and take you into a civil war or you end up doing something that is actually helping an evil organization. One such side quest that may appear like just another routine quest is Grunt Work. In this guide, I will show you what happens during this side quest and how to complete it.
Grunt Work Guide
When starting the side quest, your first objective is to speak to Crew Chief Herath at the New Atlantis spaceport.
He will be outfitting your ship with some standard things that you can use when you make your trip to Tau Ceti II. Once you’re done talking to him, you will then have to board your ship and go to Tau Ceti II.

Make Contact with the Settlers on Tau Ceti II
Once you board your ship, you will have to plot a course to Tau Ceti, which is where Tau Ceti II is. Go to the pilot seat and open your Starmap and go to Tau Ceti. Alternatively, you can just go to where your quests are and you can plot a course there.

Once you make it to the Tau Ceti system, open your map again and you will have to land on Tau Ceti II. Make sure that you select the Tau Gourmet Production Center marker on the planet to get the land prompt.

Once you have landed, make your way to the objective marker to continue the quest. You will land on a higher land, so make sure you watch where you’re jumping, or you might get fall damage from not looking at the ground before you leap.
You’ll also see that there’s almost no one here. Nonetheless, just keep following the objective marker.

Investigate the Scream & Speak to the Woman
Approaching the facility, a loud scream will suddenly ring out in the air. The objective changes to investigate the scream. Keep moving forward towards the objective marker.

When you approach the facility, your objective will then change to speaking to the woman named Hadrian. The objective marker will lead you to where Hadrian is.
Approach her inside the facility and speak to her. Talking to her, she will tell you that there is a Terrormorph, a monstrous alien that is the reason why there is no one in the facility except for her.
She will tell you that she needs a cell sample from it, but she needs it dead. To do that, you will need to restore the Security System Connection, which is your next objective.

Restore the Security System Connection & Allow Hadrian to Analyze the System
After speaking to Hadrian, your objective will change. Now, you need to get the Security System back up, and the only way to do that is by restoring the connection. Follow the objective marker to where you need to go.

You’ll soon stumble across the console you will use to check the security system.

In the console, you will need to select the first option, which is “Security System Connection Status”. Once you click that, you will then have the option to reset the Security Connection. Click on that as well and exit the console.

Hadrian will analyze the status of the turrets and see that there is a way to use them to kill the Terrormorph. All you have to do is to have it chase you and lead it to the turrets. Hadrian will then see something interesting and tell you to investigate it.

Tune the Livestock Tracker to 183.5
In the room next to the console that controls the security system, there is a console that controls the livestock tracker. Access the console.

When you get to the console screen, you will see “System Status: OFF”. Click on that and you will get the option to turn the Tracking System back on. Once it’s back on, you will then need to tune the tracking frequency by using the tuner.

In the Tracker Frequency Tuner, you will have options. Select 183.5, which shows that there is one target showing. Afterwards, wait for the system to reengage once you exit the console.

As you wait, the Terrormorph will be on the move. You will have to listen to Hadrian while she’s talking, as she will tell you that you need to bring power up to the turrets to get them to help you kill the Terrormorph.
But this is completely optional. If you are strong enough, you can take down the Terrormorph with all the firepower you have. Just be ready to move around a lot.

Kill the Terrormorph or Restore Power to the “Kill Lanes”
Despite the terrifying name, the Terrormorph is actually not that hard to kill. It’s just very fast and it will move quick to you once it spots you. All you really have to do is to move away from it when it starts chasing you. Always keep your distance and do not stop shooting.
Or, you can restore the power to the “Kill Lanes” to help you take down the Terrormorph. It will cost you more effort since you have to run to 3 locations in the facility, but it does help make the fight easier.
Personally, just killing it with your guns is enough, and once it’s dead, go up to the body and collect the “Terrormorph Cell Sample”.

Return to Hadrian
Go back to Hadrian with the cell sample and talk to her. She will then ask you to follow her and she will walk slowly (in true Bethesda fashion) to the next location.

She will then analyze the sample and find out that the equipment isn’t enough to analyze it. With that said, you will then have to go back to Commander Tuala in New Atlantis to speak to him about the mission.

Return to Commander Tuala
Go back to Commander Tuala on New Atlantis and speak to him. You will have a conversation about the mission and what happened. Once it’s done, the quest completes and you get to live another day.

That’s all you need to know on how to complete Grunt Work on Starfield. Did this guide help you complete this mission? Let us know in the comments below.
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