In Starfield, you’ll be playing in a space-themed setting with various quests and storylines for you to discover. The fun thing about these quests is that you can actually get different outcomes or endings depending on what dialogue options you chose.
The Ryunjin Industries questline will need to you side with one party and find the guilty parties. As you do the quest, you’ll want to know the possible outcomes. In this guide, we’ll show you all the endings in the Ryujin Industries questline, whether you should side with Masako or Ularu.
Ryujin Industries Questline: All Endings | Masako, Ularu, Imogene
During this quest, Ularu is the traitor of the Ryujin Industries, who wants to replace Masako and become the CEO. You can choose to side with Ularu and force the blame on Masako or you can choose to expose Ularu and prove the innocence of Masako.
Ending 1 – Exposing Ularu
In the first ending, you’ll be on the good side and expose Ularu. To achieve this outcome, you’ll want to select Our intention to purchase Infinity LTD would put the employees’ minds at ease. Then, Ularu will start to propose that Masako be removed from the CEO position.

When everyone starts to be suspicious about Dalton, you will want to help him by giving an explanation. In this case, select We only lied about Imogene so Ularu would incrimate herself. After that, Ularu will be exposed by other people in the meeting and she will be fired.

When the meeting ends, you can go to Masako and receive your rewards. You will receive 16.4k Credits, a promotion to senior operative and also the return of Imogene. Once you are promoted to senior operative, you will have access to your own office and a Mission Board.

Ending 2 – Backstabbing Masako
In order to get the second ending, you’ll want to betray Masako in the meeting. The first part of the ending require you to listen to the conversation of Masako. She will then accuse you for setting her up, which you want to lie in order to get away with it.

You will then want to select I had nothing to do with this. For all I know, it’s the truth. After that, you’ll want to select Believe it or not, it’s the truth.
She will then try to persuade you that having Ularu as the CEO will cost a lot for the organization. Next, you’ll want to select [Demand 10000 Credits] I could be persuaded financially to change my opinion.

After that, Masako will demand you to help her achieve at least 50% of the votes, even if it means using the Neuroamp. You will want to select [Diplomacy] They’ll be on your side. I know I can convince them of the benefits.

In the meeting, you will want to betray Masako and side with Ularu. When Ularu accuses the current CEO of being guilty, side with her. You’ll want to select You don’t want someone under a criminal investigation leading this corporation. After that, wait for the meeting to end and talk to Ularu.

Ularu will be promoted to the new CEO. With this ending, you’ll receive 16.4k Credits, a promotion to senior operative and a perk which is no stealth requirements for board missions. With less requirements, some side quests from the Mission Board will be easier for you.

Ending 3 – Supporting Ularu But Making Masako CEO
In order to achieve the third ending, you’ll want to act as if you’re on Ularu’s side. However, you’ll then make Masako the CEO by defending her. In order to do this, select Until proven guilty, Masako is still the best leader for this company.

After that, the meeting will go in the opposite direction, in favor of Masako. She will then be able to keep her position as the CEO.
When the meeting ends, you can talk to her and receive 18.4k Credits along with your access to the Mission Board. However, the only difference is that you will not see the return of Imogene yet.

That is your Ryujin Industries Questline walkthrough with all the possible endings you can get! These will give you different rewards depending on what outcome you decide to go with. If you choose to side with Masako, you can then kill Masako in her office. This will make some of your crew members mad at you but won’t affect your next quests’ progress.
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