When playing gacha games like Summoners War Chronicles, a lot of people tend to forget about gear and such. This is a very common mistake that everyone can avoid. Putting on gear is important as it will help boost your stats even more. It won’t matter if you have a 5 star character if they don’t have the gear to help them. Runes are also important as well in Summoners War Chronicles. In this guide, we will show you how to get your first Runes and Gear to help your characters grow.
How To Get Your First Runes & Gear – Summoners War Chronicles
How to Get Runes and Gear

When you’re looking to get your Runes and Gear, you will need to play a lot. However, checking your Guard Journal will lead you to a screen that shows Adventure Record, Area Dungeon, and Monster Story. Here, you will be able to get a ton of Runes and Gear, as well as some first time completion rewards in case you haven’t completed them yet.

Tower of Ascension, especially the Wind Tower, also contains a lot of incredibly powerful Runes. And these are only for when you are on Floor 6. Going up the tower will get you more, as well as doing the other towers.

Stories are also an excellent way to get more Runes and Gear. They offer a ton of XP, as well as Runes and Gear. Just like in any other game, the more you proceed in the story, the more difficult it gets. However, the reward also increases. So putting in effort into the story is definitely worth it.
There are other ways to progress in Summoners War Chronicles, and even faster ways too. But what we outlined above should be the first stepping stone for most players!
ALSO READ: Summoners War Chronicles: Trial of Ascension & Account Skills Guide