Tag: Lost Ark

Lost Ark: Bracelet Guide

Content can sometimes not be available for all versions of the same…

Elijah Hernandez

Lost Ark: Shadow Hunter Perfect Suppression Guide | 2022

The Shadow Hunter is a hybrid and ranged class. Every class has…

Martin Dojranliev

Lost Ark: How To Break Weekly Gold Limit

Lost Ark is an MMORPG, but it oftentimes feels restrictive. There are…

Elijah Hernandez

Lost Ark: Kakul Saydon Gate 3 Easy Guide

Saydon Gate is what some players will compare to burning in agony…

David Mickov

Lost Ark: How To Change Relic Set For Free

There are so many things that one player is able to do…

David Mickov

Lost Ark: Party Finder Etiquette Guide

There are some unspoken rules in life that all of us learn…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Gravity Training Guide (August Patch Version)

There has been an influx of eastern MMORPGs that have been releasing…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Woeful Drylands Map Guide

Raids can be tough in most MMO games out there, with some…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: August Gold Islands Calendar

In MMORPGs you would think that the king of the games are…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Classes Ranked Based On Popularity

MMORPGs can have a lot of classes or jobs the player can…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Arcanist Builds Cheat Sheet

Character builds in single-player RPGs and MMORPGs have always been a hot…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Comparison Of Honing Costs Before & After Honing Buff

Sometimes people want to save time and resources in their games, to…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Weapon Power Calculation (300ilvl-1575ilvl) | One Formula

We all know that in every video game in existence there is…

Jon Suan

Lost Ark: Visual Guide To Drops Of Ether

Don’t be one of those players that can stack up and have…

David Mickov

Lost Ark: Heartbeat Island Guide

The Heartbeat Island is an event in Lost Ark where you can…

Ryan Thama