Season 2 of The First Descendant brings the possibility of many new builds that players can use. Not only do we have a new companion and Descendant, but we also have a new Ultimate version for Sharen in the game. As a result, players are grinding to get access to her as quickly as possible.
You might be wondering what the best build is for Ultimate Sharen in The First Descendant. Not to worry, we have you covered. In this guide, we’ll be going over everything you need to do for the best Sharen build. Let’s dive in!
Best Sharen Build Guide
Before we dive into the best Sharen build, it’s important to note that we’ll be looking at the new Ultimate Sharen. So, you’ll need to have unlocked her first and doing so can be pretty grindy.
That’s why we suggest checking out our how to unlock ultimate sharen fast guide.
With that said, we’ll be looking at two builds that you can use for Ultimate Sharen. You can also modify these according to your needs if you’re going for some specific content.
Ultimate Sharen has a lot of potential for speed clears in The First Descendant. This is because Movement Speed and Critical Rate increase buffs. As a result, she can clear multiple mobs faster and also burst bosses and elites.
The main reason she’s so strong now is because of her new module called Area Suppression. It’s by far the best because not only do you deal huge AoE damage around you but also reduce skill cooldown by 1s per critical hit.
So, you can spam enemies and potentially reset your skill cooldowns as long as you’re hitting enemies.

However, it’s not going to be a 100% skill cooldown reset. This is because this skill is less effective when there are few mobs of enemies around.
To deal with this, what you can do is get closer to the mob. This allows you to hit enemies multiple times to a maximum of 10 – much like a melee shotgun. In this way, you can reduce the cooldown of your fourth skill by 10 seconds.
As a result, you will be able to spam it.

The previous concept we looked at brings in Ultimate Sharen’s first limitation. This is that she needs to get close to a mob meaning that she is a lot more vulnerable. Keep in mind that plenty of enemies have staggers and freezing skills, which can cause a lot of damage from high density mobs.
So, for the Ultimate Sharen Build, you’ll need to account for her survivability.
The second limitation is her fourth skill will not hit enemies on different elevations. You need to be on the same verticality of the mob you’re trying to hit.
Lastly, the third limitation is that the range of her fourth skill cannot be increased. By range, what we mean is the hitbox size of each sword rather than the distance travelled.
Projectile speed also doesn’t really help much so improving it will only waste a module slot.

Skill Rotation
You may be wondering what the skill rotation should be with Ultimate Sharen so that you can deal the most damage and use your skills efficiently. The main thing with her rotation will be to just spam her fourth skill.
In certain situations, you can also use her second skill called Active Camouflage when you’re on low HP. You can use it to disengage from a fight or even burst an Elite. This is because it increased Outgoing Damage by 100%.
Besides that, use your first and third skill when the fourth skill is on cooldown.

General Build
The first build we have is the general build that can be used for any content in The First Descendant. Starting off, here are the mods that you’ll be using:
- Area Suppression
- HP Amplification
- Focus on Fusion
- Focus on Electric
- Skill Insight
- Front Lines
- Mid-Air Maneuvering
- Nimble Fingers
- MP Conversion
- Emergency Measures
- Skill Concentration
- Increased HP.
For the Reactor, you want to use the Fusion Electric Reactor. Make sure to have a Critical Damage and Fusion Damage Boost on it for the most optimal results.
As for the Components, you can go for any component that has HP stats on it. So, check your inventory to see if there are any that fit the bill. Additionally, make sure to have the following stats on components:
- Auxiliary – Max HP/HP Recovery
- Sensor – Max MP/ MP Recovery
- Memory – Def/MP Recovery
- Processor – Any.
With this build, we’ve focused on increasing HP as opposed to doubling down on damage. This is to counter her first limitation which is her survivability. In this way, she’ll be consistent in surviving mobs which makes this build good for playing solo.
Even then, you’ll be able to deal a ton of damage to mobs and elites.

For the weapon, make sure to use the Blue Beetle. This is because her fourth skill is fusion which activates the Arcane Synergy buff that increases your Crit Rate by 115%. In this way, you can reach up to 80% Crit Rate with her skills.
Pairing that with Ambush when using Active Camouflage, this Crit Rate can go all the way to 100%.

Boss Build
Ultimate Sharen can also be really good for boss farming, allowing you to clear any boss within seconds. Here are the mods that you need for this build:
- Area Suppression
- Strong Mentality
- Focus on Electric
- Focus on Fusion
- Skill Insight
- Emergency Measures
- Mid-Air Maneuvering
- Nimble Fingers
- MP Conversion
- Front Lines
- Skill Concentration
- Dangerous Ambush.
The weapon and the components will remain the same as the ones we mentioned in the general build. As for the Reactor, you’ll want to use the Fusion Electric Reactor with Critical Damage and Colossus Damage Boost.
The main difference here is the use of Strong Mentality, which will help provide more confidence with MP usage. You can use this for boss grouping too, but will need to sacrifice some damage for HP.

That’s everything you need to know for the Best Sharen Build Guide in The First Descendant. As you can see, the new Ultimate Sharen can be quite powerful in a variety of different content. Be sure to utilize her and clear levels in seconds!