The First Descendant’s season 2 brings a whole range of additional content to the game. Not only do we have new Descendants, but we also have a Fellow to help accompany them. Since this companion is relatively new, players are unsure what to do with him.
If you’re confused on how to deal with Fellow too, we’ve got you covered. In this complete guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know related to Fellow, including farming for him, levelling him up and dismantling junk. Let’s get into it!
Complete Guide to Fellow
Season 2 of the First Descendant also brings the new Void Vessels. We’ll be referring to Void Vessels a lot as it is an integral part of farming for Fellow.
If you’re still not sure how they work, our ultimate void vessels guide can get you up to speed!
Farming For Fellow
Starting off, you’ll need to actually unlock Fellow in The First Descendant. This will involve a lot of farming as you’ll need a bunch of materials and blueprints to unlock each of his components.
Just like with Descendants, you need the following components for Fellow:
- Hagios Sheepdog Enhanced Cells
- Hagios Sheepdog Stabilizer
- Hagios Sheepdog Spiral Catalyst
- Hagios Sheepdog Code.
All of the materials and blueprints you need to unlock Fellow are available to be farmed in the Void Vessels. You can refer to our how to unlock Fellow guide too if you’re only interested in that.

Once you start the new season and complete the questline, you’ll get access to the Void Vessels terminal. When you interact with it, you’ll see the option for two difficulties: Normal and Hard.
The only difference in the difficulties is that you get more Materials and Decryption Keys when you do the Void Vessels on Hard Difficulty. But on the other hand, Normal Difficulty is much faster to complete.
So, you can go for whichever one you are comfortable with.

Container Rewards
At the end of each Void Vessel run, you’ll need to fight a boss. This is a time attack boss, meaning you’ll need to defeat the boss within the allotted time. Based on the amount of time left when the boss is defeated, you’ll get container rewards.
There are four tiers of container rewards, with each tier linked to a time left. So, your goal will be to try and get the highest tier boxes, as you’ll be able to choose between all four tiers.
However, the choice of box within each tier i.e. between the Descendant and Fellow boxes will be RNG based. It will depend completely on your luck, and in this case, we’ll want to get the Fellow box.

The difference between the tier rewards is basically linked to the odds of a particular item dropping. For example, the highest tier container has a higher chance for the Hagios Code to drop.
So, here are the containers you’ll want to open depending on the component you want:
- Intact Data Vault
- Hagios Sheepdog Code: 25%
- Imperfect Data Vault
- Hagios Sheepdog Spiral Catalyst Blueprint: 25%
- Restricted Data Vault
- Hagios Sheepdog Stabilizer Blueprint: 25%
- Lost Data Vault
- Hagios Sheepdog Enhanced Cells Blueprint: 25%
If you do end up getting Keelan only containers and want to just farm for Fellow, then we recommend just ignoring the boxes and trying again.

Target Reward System
Before you start farming for Fellow, it’s worth taking advantage of the new target reward system. With this system, you can take advantage of pity to guarantee rewards in case you get unlucky with the RNG.
Our how to setup target reward system guide can help you out with the details.
In essence, what you need to do is first select the drop that you’re trying to get for Fellow. Let’s assume you’re trying to get the Code for Fellow on the Hard Void Vessels run.
Go into the Acquisition Info of the Code and select the location where you want to get it. After that, hit the Set Target Reward option at the bottom.
Doing so will allow you to add it into the Target Reward list.

Now go back to the Access Info menu and hit the G button to open the Target Reward list. You’ll be able to see the Hagios Sheepdog Code here.
How it works is that if you fail to get the code in your next run, a pity meter will start to fill up. After many unsuccessful runs, the pity meter will get full. This guarantees that you’ll get the Code in your next run preventing you from unlucky runs.
More than likely, you’ll end up getting the code before this comes into play. But it still helps!

Decryption Keys And Encryption Chests (Research Materials)
Alongside the container rewards, you’ll also get resources as rewards from Void Vessels, which includes Decryption Keys. On Hard Difficulty, you’ll get x6 Keys and on Normal you’ll get x4 Keys.
One of these keys will be used to open the container reward at the end. So, you may be wondering what we’ll do with the rest of the keys?

During Void Vessel runs, you’ll come across encrypted chests in side rooms that you can open using Encryption Keys. These chests are important as they contain the Research Materials that you need for Fellow.
Keep on the lookout for the symbols shown below when you’re doing Void Vessels. These will indicated the location of encrypted storage boxes.
For all the materials, you’ll need to open the Experimental Materials Storage Boxes. So, we recommend saving your keys and using them for these boxes when you need materials.

Growth Items
Next up, we have Growth Items in The First Descendant, or dog food as they are also known for Fellow. These are enhancement materials that help increase the level of your companion.
The three growth items for Fellow are:
- Fortified Supplement
- Special Synthetic Calcium
- Ultimate Protein Compound.
To craft these items, you’ll need a variety of research materials and blueprints.

The three types of research materials that you need for each of these growth items can be found in Special Materials Storage Boxes. Again, you’ll find these boxes in the Void Vessels which can be opened with Decryption Keys.
For the blueprints, you’ll need to open the Genetic Information Storage Box. Keep in mind though that for the Ultimate Protein Compound Blueprint, you can only get it from the Genetic boxes on the Hard difficulty.
As a result, they are the rarest blueprints to obtain but they give Fellow the most XP.

You can also get some bonus growth items by completing Fellow Awards in the Journal Section. So, if you’ve been using Fellow a lot, chances are you’ve already gotten some of these.
You can also get Awards for leveling up which we’ll be looking at next.

Levelling Up Fellow
Once you have unlocked Fellow and have a bunch of growth items, it’s time to start levelling up. To do this, start by going into your Inventory. Here, select the Manage Fellows option.

Here, you’ll be able to equip your Fellow. Next, you want to select the Level Up option.

This will open up a menu where you can select a bunch of growth items that will help Fellow level up. How this works is that each growth item gives a certain amount of XP.
Here is a breakdown of the XP that each item gives:
- Fortified Supplement: 1000 XP
- Special Synthetic Calcium: 2500 XP
- Ultimate Protein Compound: 10,000 XP
You can choose any of these items to level up your Fellow. They simply dictate the rate at which you can level up Fellow. Obviously, the items that give more XP will be the hardest to obtain.
The maximum level that Fellow can reach is Level 30. With that said, here is a breakdown of how leveling works for Fellow:
- Level 1: 1000XP
- Level 5: 1200 XP
- Level 10: 1500 XP
- Level 15: 1800 XP
- Level 20: 2200 XP.
So, you can use any of the growth items as long as you hit the required XP for leveling up. Leveling up will improve Fellow’s Module Drop Rate Increase Modifier and Fellow Item Detection Range.
Keep in mind that XP for the Fellow will also give you Mastery, so you can use it to rank your Mastery as well.

Junk Dismantling
To set up junk dismantling with your Fellow, again go into the Manage Fellows menu. Over here, select the Use option in the Auto Dismantle Items section.
This will automatically assign the junk dismantling settings you have set for Weapons, Reactors and External Components.

If you haven’t set these up, select the gear icon next to the Use option. Here, you can choose to exclude and dismantle any items that your dog will pick up. The dog will then do this automatically once the settings are applied.
Keep in mind that there is a bug that can occur when you reach full capacity. It can result in the junk not being dismantled. To counter this bug, just delete one item yourself and the rest will Auto Dismantle according to your settings.

That’s everything you need to know for the complete guide to Fellow in The First Descendant. Now you’ll be able to make the most out of your Fellow and ensure he is at the highest level possible. He can really be a great companion to have if used right.