Tower Heroes continues to churn out Christmas content for its players, allowing you to unlock all sorts of things if you can actually uncover the secret process.
It provides an interesting challenge to the players and unites the community as they try to figure out these elaborate puzzles. However, many players also face problems with them, since they can be so confusing at times.
The Roliday Rumble Map is one such secret map that you can unlock in the game. In this guide, we will show you step by step how you can unlock this Secret map part of the Christmas event. We will also touch upon how you can complete the challenge related to the map. Let’s get into it!
How to Unlock Roliday Rumble
Unlocking the Roliday Rumble map requires a long series of steps, which includes a difficult challenge at the end.
So, make sure that you are prepared for a tough battle ahead! As part of the Christmas update, you might also want to complete Carol’s Wishlist.
Starting off, you will need to play on the Facility Frenzy Map. You can do so on any difficulty.

Facing away from the spawn point, move towards the right. You should be able to see a Green Box lying in a corner. Jump on to this Green Box while facing towards the corner.

Now you will need to either zoom out or use Free Cam to look behind your character. Basically, what you’re trying to do is to get an angle where you can see the screen in the control room.
The moment you see this screen, it will start flashing with a series of red, green and yellow colors.
The sequence will be different for everyone, so you will need to keep note of the sequences. If you missed out somehow, don’t worry as you can restart.
We recommend that you write down the sequence on a piece of paper or on a notepad.

Now you will need to exit and restart a game on the same Facility Frenzy map. When the difficulty Vote Screen appears, take note of the colors corresponding to each difficulty.
These are the same colors that you noted when looking at the screen. So, you will need to click on the difficulties in the same order at the color scheme you noted down.

If done correctly, you will get a message saying, ‘Access Granted’. Once you see this message, make your way towards the storage room indicated below. It should be close to the spawn point.

Inside this room, you will see a tape lying on a purple box. Click on the tape and you will unlock a new Sticker.
Additionally, you will also get a Quest in Progress notification, signaling that you have done the steps properly so far.

Now, you can leave the game and return to the Lobby. Inside the Lobby, go to your Inventory and look through all the Stickers you have.
You will see that the same Tape Sticker will be available, with the name RR21. Equip this sticker.

In the same lobby, make your way to the Fan Art Board. You can find this Board in the Lounge section of the Lobby.

Stand in front of the Fan Art Board and use the tape sticker that you have equipped. Doing so will change the screen in front of you.
A strange looking graphic will appear with the Play Option. Click on the Play button.

When you hit Play, you will immediately be teleported to the new Secret Map, where you can do the special Quest.
In the Roliday Rumble mode, you will immediately be put into the action, where you will need to go through waves of enemies.
At the end, you will need to defeat Ice Brain, who is an incredibly difficult Boss.

In fact, the entire challenge can be really difficult, and you will really need to bring your A game. We recommend that you place all your Heroes first, before upgrading them.
It will ensure that there are at least some upgraded Heroes surviving when the difficult waves come in.
Some units that can help you with this challenge are:
- Spectre
- Scientist
- Chef
Of course, you can use any other strategy that fits your play style or preferred units!

Once you defeat the Ice Brain boss, the Quest will be completed and you will be rewarded a Badge for your efforts.

Now, you should be able to access the Roliday Rumble map whenever you want. However, due to some glitch, this Secret Map does not appear in your Special Maps Progression Menu.
So, the only way in which you can access it is by Creating a Server and selecting the map by going into the Special Maps section.

That’s everything you need to know about unlocking the Roliday Rumble Secret Map. A great addition in Tower Heroes, part of the Christmas 2023 Update, that will really challenge even the most seasoned of players.
Additionally, you get to go through a really elaborate and creative process that deserves appreciation. Some great rewards await you too, so we highly suggest you try to unlock the new secret map!
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