Often MMOs these days have some sort of crafting for players to enjoy. Some of them feature crafting of weapons or armor that players can make and use or sell to other players. This is a great way to give players some options in terms of getting gear or resources instead of looting them from enemies or buying them from vendors. To do this though players need to get the resources for crafting, and sometimes it’s just not that exciting. There are games that require you to get them through fighting while others just make you run around in circles. In this guide we’ll show you where to find the best Hazelnut Farming Route in Tower of Fantasy.
Hazelnut Farming Route | Hazelnut Locations In Tower Of Fantasy
There are plenty of recipes in Tower of Fantasy that the players can cook. Some of these require common materials that you can get anywhere while there are ones that are much more difficult to get due to how rare the ingredients are. In this case, Hazelnuts are considered a rare item because it’s one of the items needed to make the SSR recipe “Nut Tea” that is one of the best healing foods in the game.

The best way to get these Hazelnuts is to start from the north of the Navia Omnium Tower. There you can get a handful of hazelnuts, then you’ll have to teleport to the Spacerift: South Seventh Day Forest and head northeast where there are more hazelnuts spawn. There’s another spawn in the middle of the two points but it’s kind of out of the way and you really just need a handful of these Hazelnuts because each Nut Tea recipe only needs one.

Finding these Hazelnuts can be tough because they’re pretty well hidden in the grass. After a few runs though you’ll get the hang of where they spawn and it’ll be easier to get them fast.
Congratulations you now know where to farm Hazelnuts in Tower of Fantasy, now go out there and forage those nuts! Massive thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone the farming spots, if you need more information then check their video out here: Tower Of Fantasy Hazelnut Farming Route (Hazelnut Locations) – YouTube
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