There’s a bunch of new consumables in Tower of Fantasy and we all know what that means. That’s right, a bunch of different food items that we’ll hoard and never use! We all know that’s what’s going to happen for most people, they see a consumable, they think of weird situations where they’ll use it, and then never use it at all. I’m sorry but that’s the truth, the devs won’t add a quest in the future about an NPC that desperately needs 150 cheap drinks. We all know you’ll still want to get them though and that’s why you’re here. Here’s a guide on how to get one of the new drinks – the Dreamboat.
How to Get Dreamboat | Tower Of Fantasy
There’s a lot of different consumables in Tower of Fantasy, some of them can heal you, while others can buff your attack power, elemental damage or even maximum health. That’s why it’s good to have a bunch of consumables at hand when you’re going out there doing activities. There’s a lot of ways of getting these items, some can be crafted through cooking recipes, some can be given through quests, and some can be bought in vendors. The Dreamboat drink is one that can be simply bought, and here’s how you do it.

First to get the drink you’ll need to head to the eastern parts of Mirroria in the reception area. There you need to go to the center of the hall where to the south you can find a line of vending machines. You can actually interact with these vending machines and buy stuff from them like any normal vendor. That’s where you can buy Dreamboat for around 50 Mira each. This stuff can increase your jump height, perfect for explorers out there.
Congratulations you now know how to get this item in Tower of Fantasy, now go out there and try getting it yourself! Many thanks to WarbyGaming for showing everyone how to get this item, if you need more information then go check their video out here: How to Get Dreamboat (New Drink) – Tower of Fantasy – YouTube
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