The boom of Gacha games in the west may have slowed down these days but Tower of Fantasy is still going strong. It joined a bit later in the boom but it was still popular with many players enjoying the game. These days the game still has a steady and loyal fan base eagerly waiting for new updates and content and the developers do make content updates. Recently it released its 2.3 update adding more and more content to the story and world of the game. In this guide we’ll show you where to find all the Red Nucleus locations in the Miasmic Swamp area.
Miasmic Swamp All Red Nucleus Locations | Tower Of Fantasy
With a new map comes new areas and with new areas comes new Red Nuclei for you to look around for. For those who want to save time though and want to get these things as fast as possible here is a list of all the Red Nucleus you can find in the Miasmic Swamp.
Red Nucleus #1

Northwest of the Silvercoast Lab, in the Slater Canyon you’ll find a metal wall that you can actually climb up to.

Behind the wall is Supply Pod with a red Nucleus.

Red Nucleus #2

The next one is northwest of the Echo Falls, this one can be found in-between the cliffs near the bottom.

Red Nucleus #3

The next one is west of Echo Falls and is hiding inside a cave, use the images above and below for reference.

Red Nucleus #4

The next one is actually in the Grand Sea Tunnel, on the metal platform there around the tree you’ll find another supply pod with another Red Nucleus.

Red Nucleus #5

This next one needs you to solve a puzzle, south of Base Station 2 there’s a puzzle that’s filled with miasma that will damage you. You need to activate the nodes in the correct order to spawn the supply pod in the middle.
If you die from the Miasma don’t worry, you can just go back and continue from where you left off, it doesn’t reset.

Red Nucleus #6

Going up north you’ll find another supply pod, this time it only spawns when it’s not raining.

Congratulations you now know where all the Red Nucleus locations are in the Miasmic Swamp in Tower of Fantasy, now go out there and find them yourself! Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone where to find these, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Tower Of Fantasy Miasmic Swamp All Red Nucleus Locations – YouTube