Bleach-inspired Roblox game Type Soul lets players pick their favorite Shikai and Bankai to use in the game. Many of them inspired from popular characters from the franchise it’s inspired from, but which one is the current best shikai and bankai matchup to use?
Best Shikai + Bankai To Use
A game’s meta keeps changing, but it doesn’t remove the fact that right now, the ice Shikai and Bankai is the best combo. The freeze comp has tend to overpower in most games, Type Soul included. If your Soul Reaper can get the ice shikai, you’re basically on the road track to success.

All of the moves within the ice Bankai causes freeze with a huge damage. It has flashy, fun moves that easily overpowers your enemy, making this the most OP shikai and bankai. No other set does this much freezing or movement-restricting skills on the enemies like ice.

Following closely behind is the ink Shikai and Bankai. Ink style is just as flashy, if not cooler. Personal preference.

The Bankai creates an AOE field called ‘Paint It Black’. This is a shrine that buffs the team and causes slow to the enemy. You also get better M1 range and can add a fifth hit to the combo, which is a hand slam.
The ink style relies on consecutively landing your hits to apply debuffs on the enemy and buffs yourself. When you manage to ink your enemy, for example, you get extra DEF on your stats. The skill Nameless can disable your entire kit and will restore your Black Ant skill if you land it.

Remember, the meta can keep changing! So, stay tuned with us for when a new shikai or bankai drops.
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