Dwarf Fortress looks like a simple game, you go into a mission with friends or randoms, do objectives and try to get back to base to get black out drunk at the bar. At first glance it looks just like that but there’s surprising complexity in the game, from the classes and their different loadouts to the different hazards and mechanics in the missions. Then there’s the literal deeper mechancis of the game like the Deep dives, which can be difficult and rewarding which usually is done with a group. If you want to do it solo though, what is the best class to do it?
Deep Rock Galactic: Which Class Is Best For Solo Elite Deep Dives?
Deep Dives are long journeys into the deeper parts of Hoxxes where it’s more of a mission in Endurance than anything else. The rewards for them can be quite worth it though, even with all the hazards and time you spend down there. If you’re going out alone and with now knowledge on what’s down there, there’s one class that’s actually great for those blind jumps into the deep and dark.

The Driller is a class that in the higher levels of play in the game is usually not even bothered looking into. Still, if you don’t know what you’re jumping into a Deep Dive and want a great solo experience the driller has you covered. The Driller is a class that is great at everything but excels at nothing, unless it’s digging.
If you get an Oil Rig mission in the Deep Dive and you have a pump that is at the depths of hell and the heights of heaven you’ll be glad you have those twin drills with you to easily get to them. Still there’s one king when it comes to being flexible which is what you need in Deep Dives.

The Engineer can build platforms, make defending easier and has a wide range of loadouts for any occasion making them the best class to do solo Deep Dives. The platforms can help you setting up pipes and getting to deeper or higher parts of runs, turrets just makes defending and holding areas easier and the different weapons have a use for any situation, specially your secondaries that can do massive damage.
Congratulations you now know the best class for Deep Dives in Deep Rock Galactic, now go out there and ready that Engineer! Many thanks to ReapeeRon for showing everyone what the best class is for Deep Dives, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Which Class is Most Effective for Solo Elite Deep Dives in Deep Rock Galactic? – YouTube
ALSO READ: 5 Engineer Builds For Every Job | Deep Rock Galactic