The Windswept Trial is the third challenge in the Misty Dungeon Event. This event focuses on dealing Swirl damage to enemies using the Anemo element. This guide will show you how to complete the Windswept Trial easily.
Windswept Trial —Genshin Impact
Whenever you cause a Swirl elemental reaction on your enemies, the ATK damage of your party members increases by 100/135/170/205%. This buff has a duration of 8 seconds.
We strongly recommend using Kazuha for this challenge.

As you enter the dungeon, head north and activate the challenge. Defeating all 10 opponents can give you an extra buff during the trial.
Follow the red beam to the north and activate the first rune in the dungeon.

After defeating the enemies, turn left and head north. On the first fork, follow the pathway to your left and you will find the second rune. Defeat all enemies here.
Go to your left and head north to find the last rune.
Complete the challenge for this rune and follow the quest marker on the map.
Activate the Final Challenge and drop down the dungeon. You need to defeat 5 Abyss Mages in this room to complete the trial.
NOTE: Utilize Kazuha’s elemental skills and burst to destroy the shields of the Abyss Mages easily.
Windswept Trial Rewards
Below are the rewards you can get for completing the Windswept Trial:

- Complete the trial – 40 Primogems, 4 Hero’s Wit, and 4 Mystic Enhancement Ore
- Trigger 25 Swirl reactions during the trial – 20 Primogems, 3 Guide to Gold, and 30,000 Mora
There we go, simply use Kazuha and finish the Windswept Trial in a breeze!
On to the next challenge, the Desirous Trial.
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