In the Trial of Lake Acuity mission, you need to do some math in order to answer the question right. But, before you reach Uxie to answer the question, you need to complete a few steps.
First, you need to travel to Alabaster Icelands and fly north until you reach the mission destination of Lake Acuity.
Once you unseal the cavern using your Arc Phone, you need to defeat the level 58 Alpha Hisuian Zoroark. This is a Pokemon that has a normal and ghost-type combination, which means that he is only weak to Dark-type moves. With its Nasty Plot as an offensive move, you should consider bringing a Pokemon that can tank the damage.
You need to take advantage of his weaknesses, especially if your Pokemon is underleveled.
Recommended options:
- Snorlax
- Drapion
- Hisuian Samurott
The Trial of Lake Acuity Answer Guide
After defeating Hisuian Zoroark, you need to approach the flying Pokemon called Uxie and get the correct answer to complete the mission.

Combee. Zubat. Unown. Mageneton. Dusclops. How many are their eyes? Tell me each, one by one yet all at once
The correct answer to this question is by combining the number of eyes from each Pokemon into one number.
- Combee has 6 eyes
- Zubat has 0 eyes
- Unown has 1 eye
- Magneton has 3 eyes
- Dusclops has 1 eye
So, the correct answer in the Trial of Lake Acuity is 60131.

All you need to do is type in the answer 60131, and after that, you can obtain Uxie’s Claw as your reward.
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