Across the Obelisk has gotten some new content lately, and players are happy to be able to get into more of the game. Aside from The Wolf Wars DLC, players can also expect some new content with the Black Forge. It was added with the 1.1 update, and you can access this for free, without having to purchase the Wolf Wars DLC or anything.
It is a challenging dungeon, so you will need to bring your A-game when going through the game. In this guide, we will help you prepare for the Black Forge.
Black Forge – Across The Obelisk
Black Forge Preparation

If you are going into the Black Forge, you will need to bring a Warrior, Scout, and a Mage. You will be turning your warrior into a tank, your scout into a bard, and your mage into… a mage still.
The reason for that is that you will need these cards to help you run through the Black Forge:
Warrior Cards
- Repair Armor
- Shake it Off
Scout Cards
- Tune Up
- Sweet Melody
- Healing Serenade
Mage Cards
- Rain
- Cold Snap
- Prismatic Field
- Healing Rain
- Expected Prophecy

Bear in mind that there are three ways to open the Black Forge, and one of them will cause you damage if you choose it:
- Open the gates at any cost and try to endure the heat – This choice will inflict some heat damage on you, but this is the easiest way to get into the Black Forge (if you don’t have Heiner).
- Only open the gates if no one is hurt – This is one of the two safe ways to enter the Black Forge, but you will need to roll a 5 or higher to enter. If you roll anything below, then you cannot go through.
- Beep… I can open them – This is the second safe option, but only if you have Heiner on your team. Otherwise, you will not get this option.
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