GRE Anomalies can be found all over Dying Light 2. Clearing out this area can be challenging because a Revenant will appear at night. However, you can get rewards like inhibitors which are necessary for upgrading your weapons and equipment.
GRE Anomaly Locations – Dying Light 2
If you want to get the Revenants Trophy, you have to go to the GRE Locations at night and defeat the revenant that appears.
NOTE: A good technique for fighting the revenant is crouching down when it performs a spit attack and rushing in after.
You can find the Revenants and GRE Anomaly locations in the map which is marked with a skull.

- The first GRE Anomaly Location is in the southern part of the Houndfield area.
- You can find the second Anomaly location on the central part of the Quarry End.
- Head over to the easternmost part of the Trinity area to find the third revenant.
- Go to the eastern part of the Downtown area to find the anomaly near the buildings.
- You can find the fifth anomaly on the northernmost part of the Garrison area on the map.

- The sixth Revenant is outside the Garrison area to the west, outside the map bounds.
- Go to the centermost part of the Garrison territory to defeat the seventh revenant.
- You can find the eighth anomaly location on the northwestern part of Lower Dam Ayre.
- Head to the northern part of the Newfound Lost Lands to find the next anomaly location.

- The tenth GRE Anomaly location is on the easternmost edge of the Lower Dam Ayre.
- Go to Saint Paul Island’s center to find the eleventh GRE Anomaly Location.
- Lastly, head to the northwestern part of the Wharf region to defeat the last revenant.
Clearing out and defeating all the Revenants and looting GRE Anomaly Locations around the map will give you the Revenants Trophy.