If you encounter a problem on locating the secret Flying Broomstick Challenge Easter Egg, no worries! Here we will explain in detail how to find this easter egg.
Flying Broomstick Challenge – Dying Light 2
You will start this quest by talking to Thalia. In front of you will be a large building, use the elevator to climb it.
Then, enter the door on your left and go straight to the end of the room. Call the elevator which will be on your right.

When you get out of the elevator, head in the opposite direction from the exit and jump on the crane located on the building below you.
When you are on the crane on your left you will see blue mushrooms, hold down the Turn on button here. This will take one to two minutes.

NOTE: If you do this during the day, it will let you know that this challenge can only be done at night so make sure to do just that. You may just skip the period to reach the night phase.
When you finally start the challenge, you will have to go through 19 checkpoints.

This part is easy, you just have to be very focused. Also, make sure to check where the next one is before passing one checkpoint.
For this challenge, you will receive an award depending on how much time you spent doing it.

For your guidance on the rewards, see below:
- Gold Medal: If you manage to pass the challenge in a minute and ten seconds
- Silver Medal: If you managed to do all of it in a minute and thirty seconds
- Bronze Medal: If you did the challenge for two minutes and thirty seconds
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