When the Harran Virus outbreak came out, one of the utilities that people lost was electricity. In Dying Light 2, restoring the power to electrical stations can help restore electricity and create a safe zone. This guide will show you how you can complete the Houndfield Electrical Station.
Houndfield Electrical Station – Dying Light 2
The Houndfield Electrical Station is a facility in the southern part of the Houndfield region. You have to enter the station to start the quest called Houndfield Electrical Station. Your goal is to connect the cables inside the Electrical Substation.

When you enter the gate, turn left and ride the lift. When you are on the upper roof, jump down to the lower roof as shown in the photo above. You will see a broken window panel here that allows you to go into the building.
After entering the building, turn right and loop around until you are on the back part of the metal crate in the middle. Jump towards the metal crate and use your momentum to grab ahold of the yellow ledgesat your back.
Climb up and then use the rope to climb across to the other side. Turn right and follow this hallway, and you will see a green socket 2 in the room. Pull the cable and jump all the way down to the ground floor.
You should see a red socket 2 behind you so put the other end of the cable inside.
Now enter the central opening on your right side and climb the ladders. You should see another set of ladders on the next level so go ahead and climb that as well.

In this room, you should see green socket 1 so pull the cable here and open the gate. Use the rope in the middle of the room to get to red socket 1 across the room. Jump down on the ground floor again and enter the elevator room on the right of red socket 2 from earlier.
Restore the power on the Electrical Station to complete the mission.
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