After the mission of finding Lawan, you will need to find her shoes. What exactly should you do and where exactly are they located?
The Shoe: Find Lawan’s Shoes Guide Dying Light 2
You will start this quest after the conversation with Lawan. She will tell you to enter the opening and reach the apartment where she left her shoes.
Do just that then, head to the elevator and open it. Go down and you will come to a hallway with doors. Turn right here and stop at the first door on your left.

Here you will need to unlock the door. When you enter the room, explore the place, you will see a radio on the table. Then, climb the stairs behind you and again explore the room.

Kneel under the table on your right. Keep going and you will reach a new room.

In this room, you will find two boxes, one on the right side of the bed and another under the bed.
The shoes will be in the box under the bed.
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