So, you’ve reached chapter 8 in Nier Reincarnation. That is pretty cool! You’re also enjoying this great game at your own pace, exploring the beautiful world that Applibot have created this time around. But you’ve realized that those little black birds are really hard to see and even harder to find! Well, luckily, we know exactly where you can find and collect these birds and we’ll show you in this guide their exact location! Let’s get right into it!
Locations of the Black Birds in Chapter 8 – NieR Reincarnation
There are a total of four birds in this chapter, as in the one beforehand.
For the first bird, right when you start the level, go back to the left and you’ll see a little stone slab coming out of the platform. The bird is right there.
For the second one, you’ll see it in a tree, right next to the second statue, on the right hand side. This one is quite easy to see, since it’s pretty close to the player.
The third on is a bit harder to see. On your way to the 3rd statue, the camera will change perspective and will look from above. On a column to the right, you’ll see the bird.
Here is a picture with the exact location:

For the last one, when you’ve almost reached the massive creature with purple eyes, you will see the bird on the edge of the platform where you are going.
It will almost look like it’s gonna fall from there.
And those are the four birds for this chapter!
READ NEXT : NieR Reincarnation: All Black Bird Locations In Chapter 7