The Rhydon is a dual-type Pokemon who is both a Ground and Rock-type. This Pokemon is first introduced in Generation I. Rhydon is the second form of Rhyhorn and this guide will show you how to get and evolve Rhydon.
How to Get the Protector

Before you try to get Rhydon, you need to unlock the National Pokedex first. You need to register 150 Pokemon in your Sinnoh Pokedex to upgrade it into National Mode. Go to Route 226 and use your Rock Climb to get up the cliff and slide down on the right side.
Go up again and down the cliff until you reach the lake. Use your Surf move and surf until you reach a Green House in the middle of the lake. Keep going right until you reach the exit to Route 228.
Slide down to the cliff next to the exit and you will get the item called Protector.
How to Get Rhydon

Go to Route 227 and head to the patch of grass to encounter a wild Rhydon. Go to your inventory and make Rhydon hold the Protector.
Trade your Rhydon with a friend and it will automatically evolve into a Rhyperior. Afterward, ask your friend to trade back your fully evolved Rhyperior.
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