The First Descendant’s second season has been going strong with dedicated players reaching the end game. As a result, there is now a new end game content that players can try out. This is the Void Erosion Purge mode that adds challenging content.
But how exactly are you supposed to navigate this content and make the most value out of it? After all, the game can get grindy so you’ll want to ensure you’re as efficient as possible. We’ve got you covered with this ultimate guide! Let’s get into it!
Ultimate Void Erosion Purge Guide
Void Erosion Purge is a new mode that only unlocks when you reach the end game of The First Descendant. It is also how you are able to use the new Weapon Core unlock system which allows you to scale your weapon stats.
In some cases, you can even add brand new stats – like over 30% Sprint Speed. You can also use it to add modifications to characters like Bunny, allowing her to grapple mid air.
However, Void Erosion Purge is quite a difficult mode where you can die really easily. So, we’ll go over strategies that you can use.
How To Access
Starting off, you may be wondering how you’re actually supposed to access this new content. As we mentioned before, you will only be able to use it once you reach the end game.
After that, head over to the Infiltrations Operations terminal and you should see the Void Erosion Purge option pop there. If you’re not in the end game, it will not be there.

Click on it and you should access the Void Erosion Purge menu. Here, you’ll see that you start from the first stage and progress ahead from there.
The primary rewards that you’ll see for each stage are Special Augmentation Cores. At the start, you’ll get lower level cores of Level II.

Eventually, as you progress through the stages, you’ll start to get Level VI and Level VII Augmentation Cores. The Level VII Augmentation Cores are only possible as bonus drops when doing the later stages.
These Augmentation Cores will give you the highest increase in weapon stats. The lower Augmentation Cores will only give you a small increase.
So, at the start your goal will just be to get through the first floors of Void Erosion Purge.

Challenges And Encounters
As you progress through the Void Erosion Purge stages, the enemies will start to get harder to defeat as their Vulgus Level increases. In the later stages especially, even if you’re a tank, you’re going to start taking a lot of damage.
Another thing to be aware of is that enemies will get different types of Arche Obstructions for each stage. These are barriers around the enemy meaning that the enemy will take 81% less damage from that element until broken.
Arche Obstructions will be of three types of elements:
- Fire
- Electric
- Toxic.
You can see which Arche Obstruction it is in the top left corner of the menu after clicking on the stage. If you have a strong build, these barriers won’t matter too much, but we’d still recommend being aware of them.

Recommended Descendant
The Descendant that we’d strongly recommend you use for Void Erosion Purge is Ines. You can farm her pretty efficiently in the Void Vessel – especially if you’re using the Target Reward system.
If you’re still confused about the Void Vessels – our ultimate void vessels guide has you sorted.
Ines is suitable for this end game mode because she is perfectly built for the challenges in Void Erosion Purge. So, you’ll be able to clear Floor 1-20 with ease.

Victory Conditions
Now we’ll go through everything you need to do to actually successfully complete a Void Erosion Purge stage. Void Erosion Purge itself is a time attack mode.
This means that you will need to complete the stage within a set time – or you’ll fail. You can see how much time is left in each stage via the green number.
The green bar above the time shows how much progress you are making. You’ll want this green bar to be ahead of the stopwatch symbol, which represents the expected progress you should be making in each stage.
So, in most cases, if you’re above that, you’re good.
In general, you’ll have 15 minutes to complete each stage and get the rewards. However, if you want to actually progress to the next stage, you’ll need to complete the stage in 10 minutes.
This is why your goal should be to pump your damage numbers enough to be well ahead in progress. Keep in mind that you can still get some rewards if you exceed 10 minutes – you just won’t progress.

Matchmaking in the Void Erosion Purge mode works very differently too. For most of the stages, you can only play either solo or with a group that you make. That means you’ll not be able to queue in public matchmaking for them.
However, there are 5 stages where you will see the option for public matchmaking. This means that you will have limited options if you were hoping to win out with some good randoms.

Stage Types
There are three types of stage layouts that you’ll come across in the Void Erosion Purge stages. They are basically a mix of current layouts and assets that we have in the game.
In each stage, you’ll come across a bunch of Elites and random Vulgus. At the end of each stage, you’ll face off against a boss. After you clear the boss, you move onto the next stage – provided of course you finish it within 10 minutes.

The biggest challenge in Void Erosion Purge is actually survival because mobs do a ton of damage. So, you have a couple of options here.
The first is to go for a pure defense build. However, Void Erosion Purge is a time attack so you’ll end up sacrificing damage that you need to clear the mobs with.
So, the option we recommend going with is running damage on Ines. This is because she does not require line of sight for her first and second ability. On top of that, you can use her fourth ability to deal AoE damage naturally.
The strategy then is to just hide with Ines behind walls, shoot your lightning and use your detonate to clear all the mobs. She also has some of the best mob and clear damage numbers in the game, and the fact that you do not even have to aim, makes her perfect for Void Erosion Purge.

Towards the later stages of Void Erosion purge (around Stage 18 or 19), you’ll start to see some tough Elite enemies. You’ll want to pay particular attention to them as some of them have special attacks that will one shot you.
Different enemies will also have different mechanics – including the bosses – based on the Legion that you are facing and the floor you are on. So, you’ll have to be careful of your positioning depending on the enemy.
We recommend having at least 10-13k HP after which you could go for some kind of shield build or a build with defense. But again, you’ll need to keep in mind that you need to do enough damage.

Weapon Core Unlocks
Once you reach Void Erosion Purge Floor 20, you’ll want to just keep running it over and over again. This is because it offers the highest value Augmentation Cores with the biggest chance of you getting Level VII Augmentation Cores.
After you get the Augmentation Cores, you can use them for the Weapon Core unlock system. To access this system, make your way to Deslin. After interacting with him, select the Equip Core option.

Over here, you’ll be able to activate the core system on a weapon with a specific item. After that, you should be able to see different core slots.
In each slot, you can place an Augmentation Core to get a random stat with a random value from the list of the Grantable Options. The higher level the core you place, the higher the stat chance will be.
However, there are some things to keep in mind as the game doesn’t really explain this. Firstly, if you already have a stat that is in the Grantable Options list, then you will not actually get the specific value for that stat shown in the list. For example, let’s say your weapon already has Recoil.

If you get Recoil from the list, you will not get the value associated with it in the list. Instead, the value of your pre-existing Recoil stat will just be increased. The game will also not show you in the list by how much it will be increased.
So, only a new stat can be obtained from the list.

Additionally, if your weapon has an elemental stat like Chill ATK, and you do not have Chill equipped on your weapon, you will not get the benefits of the stat. This is because this is a stat that scales your Chill.
So, if you do not have Chill, the stat is basically meaningless.

Void Abyss Shard Unlocks
There are two types of unlocks you’ll need to be aware of with the Weapon Core unlock system. The first of these are Core Binders that you use to actually unlock and use the Augmentation Cores.
Each Core Binder requires a whopping 2,000 Void Abyss Metal Fragments – which means a lot of farming. The best way to get them is by either doing Defiler, like Void Abyss or completing 400% invasion dungeons over and over.
After you get a Core Binder, you use it once on a Level 100 Weapon to unlock the Core Binding system.

Next, you may be wondering what you can do if you want to override a stat that we discussed in the previous section. For example, you got Recoil but you aren’t really happy with the stat.
This is where the other unlock comes in which are Core Particle Disruptors. These allow you to override a Core slot with a new stat. You will also need to use Void Abyss Metal Fragments to make these.
Each Core Particle Disruptor requires x15 Void Abyss Metal Fragments.

This is a great system because after you use it, the game will show you the new stat that you can get. Here, you will have the option to decide whether you want to keep the new stat or the existing one.
So, if you do not like the new stat, you will not have to replace it.

That’s everything you need to know for the Ultimate Void Erosion Purge guide for The First Descendant. Now, you should have a detailed understanding of how the new end game content works and how you can make the most of it. Hopefully, you’ll be able to beef up your weapon with some great stat increases!