
The First Descendant: How to Kill DeadBride Complete Guide

Don’t stand on the ice!

While playing The First Descendant, you are going to face a lot of enemies during your missions. However, the real enemies you will need to defeat are going to be powerful bosses. One of the bosses you are going to need to beat is the DeadBride.

She is a fairly difficult boss that requires you to use a lot of battle strategy. However, knowing what to do will make things much easier for you. That is why, we are going to explain how to kill DeadBride in The First Descendant in this guide and show you what you can do.

NOTE: Please be aware that this guide is made from the demo version of the game, and its recommendations may no longer be optimal upon the game’s full release.

You can take a look at the table of contents below if you’re only interested on a specific section of this guide.

How to Kill DeadBride

DeadBride is one of the toughest enemies you are going to face in The First Descendant. She is a level 40 enemy with Hard difficulty. However, there are some strategies you can apply to take her down.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

Weak Points

There are three types of weak points you should know. These are Destructible Parts, Removable Parts, and Destructible Parts when Frenzied. You will need to use a proper weapon for each of these parts.

Her Weak Point type is Burst. So, whenever you are aiming at those areas, you might want to use general rounds like SMG for extra damage.

Destructible Parts

Before getting into a fight with any enemy in the game, you should take a look at their weak points to have an idea about where to attack. DeadBride has three weak points in total.

  1. Sensor (Ear)
  2. Core Cap (Heart)
  3. Balancer (Kneecap)

So, when you are in the fight, these are the areas you should focus on to deal more damage to her. While doing that, you can use an Assault Rifle for the best outcome. Also, as we mentioned before, you can use Submachine guns to increase your damage.

DeadBride Weak Points

Removable Parts

The removable parts of DeadBride are:

  1. Core (Heart)
  2. Shoulder

You can use an Assault Rifle for these parts as well.

DeadBride Removable Parts

Destructible Parts When Frenzied

Last but not least, there are two destructible parts you can focus on while she is frenzied. These are Amplifiers. You can use a piercing weapon like Sniper Rifle to shoot at these.

DeadBride Destructible when Frenzied

Therefore, you can either use SMG and Sniper Rifle for this boss or you can use Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle. Either way, you will be good as long as you manage to use the weak points information to your advantage.

Attack Type

Another important thing you should know is the Attack Type of the enemies. DeadBride is a Chill Attack Type character.

Therefore, having some chill resistance will definitely help you along the fight. You can still win against her without having chill resistance, but as we said, it will make it easier for you to deal with her attacks.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

Type Resistance

Each Boss also has some resistance to certain attack types. Obviously, the DeadBride is very weak to Fire Attacks, she is normal to Electric, very strong to Ice, and strong to Poison.

Therefore, you should definitely use Fire Attacks for this boss. Using Electric is another option, but Fire is definitely better. So, make sure to add the Fire Enhancement to your weapon before getting into the battle.

Fire Enhancement

You should also increase your module capacity and try to upgrade your DPS by enhancing your modules as well.

Doing this will increase the damage you deal to the enemies and increase your chances of beating the DeadBride.

If you are not sure how to do that, you can take a look at our The Best Module Guide as well.

And for better weapons, you can also check out this guide on the Best Loot Farm | Weapons, Reactors, Components & Modules.

Character Choice

If you are playing the battle solo, you might want to get a speedy character like Bunny. Using her ability to move fast will definitely save you from many risky situations where DeadBride tries to teleport right next to you or throw some icicles at you.

And if you are playing in a team, you can still get a speedy character, but you should make sure that there is a tanky character on your team that can take the damage for you as you are shooting.

The battle strategy here would be you teleporting next to your teammate whenever DeadBride tries to use her AOE attacks.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

DeadBride Bossfight

When you first enter the battle, the first thing you should focus on is to deal as much damage as you can to DeadBride’s weak points. Then, you kinda of want to repeat it until she gets into her frenzied phase.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

When DeadBride gets frenzied, she is going to create a giant ice sphere around her and cover the ground with ice.

When this happens, you should try to leave that area as soon as possible and use your sniper to hit the Amplifiers from a distance.

If you stand on the ice for too long, you are going to die in seconds. It does not matter if you are a tanky character, it will only take her to kill you a few more seconds.

But you will not be able to survive the ice either way. Once you are able to break her icy immune phase, you can start getting closer to her once more.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

However, you should always be on the lookout for her chance to teleport right next to you. You might expect her to stay in her place while she is in the frenzied phase, but she will try to get you. If that happens, either run away or go next to your tanky teammate.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

You need to deal damage to her Amplifiers as much as you can, and doing that will push her to the next phase.

The first phase will be easier for you to survive, but in the second phase, you should always be on the move. Because she is going to start teleporting on the people and freeze them, kill them in seconds.

So, it will not be easy to survive the second phase, but you can do this by always inspecting her moves and trying to not get caught.

DeadBride Weak Points

DeadBride will kind of bow and leave her shoulders open once you have dealt enough damage to her. Then, to weaken her, you might jump on her and take off her removable parts.

The First Descendant How to Kill DeadBride

Once you do all these, you can start repeating the things we mentioned and easily beat DeadBride. This is it for our The First Descendant: How to Kill DeadBride Complete Guide. We wish you good luck while fighting this powerful boss!

ALSO READ: The First Descendant: How to Assign Mod Sockets | Crystallization Catalyst


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