After battling at the edge of creation, everyone’s Warrior of Light can now sit back and go on their own adventures, laying down their title as Hero and donning their adventurer cloak once more. This guide will encompass all the major unlockable activities in the newest patch so it goes without saying that spoiler territory abound ahead!
How To Unlock Everything In Patch 6.1 – FFXIV
Aside from the Main Scenario Quest, there are three, major events you can unlock in this newest patch. Most of them can be unlocked as soon as you log in but there are also some that require you to reach a certain point in the Main Scenario to get.
Alliance Raid: Aglaia

The first one on our list is the newest 24-man alliance raid, Aglaia, which touches on the topic of the twelve gods worshiped by the citizens of Hydaelyn (or Etheirys, as we recently discovered). You can unlock this raid by reaching the first new dungeon of the expansion and finishing it. After a few dialogue options in Radz-at-Han, you will be notified that you can then unlock this raid.
To start the raid’s questline, you need to go back to Old Sharlayan, at the Baldesion Annex and speak to G’raha and Krile. In here, they will enlist your help with a project they were working on which will lead you to a place that many only heard in myths.
Extreme Trial: The Minstrel’s Ballad: Endsinger’s Aria
The time to stop the Song of Oblivion once more has come, as we once again pit ourselves against an extreme version of the Endsinger fight. You can unlock this trial as soon as you finish the Endwalker questline, no need to even jump into the new patch’s MSQ.
The same as the old Extreme fights, talk to the Wandering Minstrel at Sharlayan to unlock the trial and use the Duty Finder to queue or create your own Party Finder to find members. A full team of 8 will be needed to challenge this trial.
New PVP mode: Crystalline Conflict

An exciting new PVP mode that players have been begging to have since the conception of the game finally arrives along with this patch. Crystalline Conflict sees us battling 5v5, payload style against other warriors of light in a test of mettle and strategy. The goal to win is to escort your crystal shards to certain points of the map to win the match!
To unlock this new mode, you must first make sure to complete the quest “A Pup No Longer” for your respective Grand Company. After completing this, you can go to Wolves’ Den and talk to Gungi Zelungi to accept the quest “The Crystal (Line’s) Call”. He will give you a brief explanation on how the mode works and then you’ll be good to go!
You can queue for Casual, Ranked or even make a Custom Match in the Duty Finder > PVP tab.
Other Unlockables
As for the miscellaneous unlockables in the patch, there are a few emotes, housing items and a new housing zone, Empyrium already available as soon as the patch dropped.
Garo Collaboration also made a comeback for this patch. It’s a one-time event for the past season that allows you to unlock specific glamour, titles, and mounts when you reach specific wolf marks or satisfy certain conditions. You can read the details of acquisition through this link.
The full list of unlockable items can be found here, there are also job adjustments and duty adjustments for some dungeons! We hope you are having fun traveling Eorzea once again, this time, without the pressure of the future of the world on your shoulders!
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