
Warcraft Rumble: Best Minis & Leaders Tier List (Nov, 2023)

The best of the best!

As there are so many options to choose from in the Warcraft Rumble, you might struggle with finding a particular leader for your own gameplay. Or, you might not be sure to which minis to use for best outcome. That is why, in this Warcraft Rumble: Best Minis & Leaders Tier List (Nov, 2023), we will rank them all to give you an idea.

You can check out the table of contents below to see a particular section.

Best Leaders Tier List

Warcraft Rumble Minis Leaders Tier List

S Tier

  • Baron Rivendare: With the ability to call forth skeletons at any building you choose, Baron can easily take charge of the map. His ability to create mages rather than warriors, when combined with this, makes for ideal map control.
    • Controlling the map is crucial because it protects resources and keeps the enemy from getting to them. In addition, Baron requires very little experience to use and is very beginner-friendly. He is a great option for people who are just beginning to play Warcraft Rumble.
  • Tirion Fordring: Another leader that is great for novices is Tyrion, who can heal units around him to make them more resilient in combat.
    • Furthermore, Tyrion grants important bonuses to the Alliance faction’s starting units, Gryphon Rider and S.A.F.E. Pilot, when they are placed in the appropriate slots. Selecting Tyrion to be your first leader is a smart move that you are not going to regret.
  • Hogger: Hogger’s high attack, health, and capacity to gradually raise his maximum health make him a formidable opponent in Warcraft Rumble. Players like him because he’s a strong front-line unit that can withstand tower damage and adjust to various game scenarios.

A Tier

  • Grommash Hellscream: The fact that Grommash can supply the “Bloodlust” trait is a big plus. With this trait, adjacent units gain a 33% bonus to movement and attack speed, which makes him an invaluable member of your team.
    • Area-of-effect (AoE) skills like “Bladestorm,” of Grommash, can be very helpful in controlling the battlefield and causing disruptions to opponents. Furthermore, Grommash has a large health pool, which enables him to absorb tower damage well—a skill that can be very useful at certain points in the game.
  • Rend Blackhand: He has a variety of skills and aptitudes that greatly increase his effectiveness in the game. Notably, he can lower the cost of flying troops such as Harpies and Whelps thanks to these abilities. This makes him an invaluable member of any formidable flying team.
    • Because of his compatibility with inexpensive flying troops, he is regarded as a good option for novices. Rend is very good at taking out squad units and very effective against melee units. He can also deal damage to several enemies that are on the ground by flying around as an AoE unit.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner: Sylvanas is a flexible leader with a wide range of deck choices. Even though she costs six gold, she does spawn a banshee upon death, so depending on the minions she has, you might get some value back.
    • She is not advised as the first leader for beginners because she is not very beginner-friendly and needs a tank in front of her or a particular playstyle to succeed.
  • General Drakkisath: Because he gives his allies elemental resistance, Drak is excellent against elemental decks. He is the go-to leader if you’re experiencing difficulties with a particular elemental stage.
    • But because of his unique skill, which gives him extraordinary strength, he is not the best leader for novices. He benefits from his ability because it deals elemental damage, but if you want other units to be able to use it as well, it may limit your options when building your deck.
Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Tier List

B Tier

  • Maiev Shadowsong: Because of her stealth skills, Enveloping Shadows talent, and compatibility with Alliance slots, Maiev is an excellent addition to your team in Warcraft Rumble.
    • Her ability to command the battlefield and surprise adversaries can completely alter your plan of attack. Because utilizing the stealth mechanic demands precise timing, her playstyle is not particularly beginner-friendly, which lowers her rating.
  • Old Murk-Eye: Because of his telescopic AoE damage, his support from his Tidehunter gang, and his high mobility speed, Old Murk-Eye is a great option.
    • It takes some getting used to his playstyle because it demands exact timing. We have ranked Old Murk in the B-tier because he can be difficult for novices to play.
  • Sneed: Sneed’s tankiness, siege skills, and capacity to take damage while advancing objectives make him a potent choice. Unfortunately, he has a high cost and got recent nerf.
  • Cairne Bloodhoof: With his high health and survivability, Cairne is a little problematic because he is costly to deploy and easily countered. Although his ability makes Horde units slightly bulkier, it would not be the best team-building tactic to equip all slots with Horde units.

C Tier

  • Bloodmage Thalnos: Due to his powerful AoE (Area of Effect) damage, Bloodmage Thalnos is renowned for his ability to deal damage to numerous enemy units at once. He is therefore useful against enemy groups and in situations involving crowd control.
    • In addition, he has a long-range attack that lets him take out opponents from a distance. He can deal damage and stay out of harm’s way thanks to this advantage.But he is not too strong, especially in PvP situations, and unbound units can take him out with ease.
  • Jaina Proudmoore: Jaina is a passable leader, but in order to fully utilize her potential, you must limit the decks you can build and make sure she’s in the game, which can be difficult in PvP. Additionally, due to her soft nature, backline killers such as Quilboar and the Pilot frequently take her out.
    • Moreover, her elemental damage is not always required because there are not many armored minis in the meta. She does have her moments in PvE content, but there are more capable all-around players.

D Tier

  • Charlga Razorflank: Charlga is not user-friendly for novices. So, it may be difficult to understand her ability. In summary, she sometimes has strong starts but then tends to falter. By then, if you haven’t already prevailed, you may find yourself in a tight spot.
    • If the deck was properly tuned, she might be able to work really well, but the deck’s limitations and the level of skill needed to play it can be very daunting.

Best Minis Tier List

Minis are the characters you are going to use to create the army of your leader. Here, we are going to list them from the S tier to the D tier.

Although S and A Tier units are the best options available to you, anything below them will serve as respectable backup options in the event that you are unable to obtain those on the higher tiers.

Warcraft Rumble Best Minis Tier List

S Tier

  • Huntress: The Huntress is renowned for her natural shooting ability and her ability to hit targets far away with perfect accuracy and dexterity.
    • She can deal area damage to groups of enemies with her versatile glaive attacks, which make her a very effective ranged attacker.
  • Quilboar: Fierce warriors because of their sheer strength and perseverance.
    • They can close the distance between themselves and the enemy quickly thanks to their charge ability, upsetting formations and causing chaos.
  • Defias Bandits: These sly and clever criminals are skilled in guerilla tactics.
    • They are skilled assassins due to their backstab ability, which increases damage when attacking from behind.
  • Harpies: Experts in air combat, harpies wreak destruction in their wake with their devastating area-of-effect strikes and ability to maneuver through the air with such agility.
  • Darkspear Troll: They are vicious and agile, using speed and accuracy to their advantage in battle.
    • They become formidable close combatants thanks to their Berserker ability, which increases their attack power and attack speed.
  • Blizzard: With its icy wrath, the Blizzard spell wreaks destruction slowing and damaging every unit in its path.
    • By severing enemy formations, this AoE spell can establish control over a region.
  • Gargoyle: Gargoyles are very adaptable and capable of changing between air and ground forms.
    • They can transform into Stone Form to heal and gain spell immunity, and they are excellent at pestering enemy air units.

A Tier

  • Earth Elemental: The spirit of the planet is embodied in these titanic creatures.
    • They can effectively protect their allies by taunting the enemy and drawing fire because they are extremely resilient.
  • Murloc Tidehunters: Flexible and cunning creatures that can call upon more Murlocs to supplement their numbers and amplify their presence on the battlefield.
  • Warsong Raider: These fearless fighters are fierce melee attackers who charge into battle with increased mobility and attack speed.
  • Ghoul: These immortal soldiers hunt down their adversaries relentlessly and possess the
    • Cannibalize ability, which allows them to heal by consuming the corpses of defeated enemies.
  • Footmen: Footmen are the preferred infantry for the front lines.
    • They have the Defend ability, which increases their resistance and lessens the damage they take when it is used.
  • Gryphon Rider: They are masters of the air, capable of destroying enemy aircraft and granting air superiority.
  • Stonehoof Tauren: These massive units are extremely strong in melee combat because of their immense physical strength.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot: These expert pilots provide air support to their allies by hitting weaker enemy units with targeted precision strikes.
  • Blackrock Pyromancer: These spellcasters are masters of fire magic, and their Flamestrike ability allows them to deal with area damage, giving them versatility in combat.
  • Frostwolf Shaman: With their commanding shamanic abilities, Frostwolf Shamans can affect the tide of battle by using Chain Lightning to deal damage to adversaries and Chain Heal to heal allies.
  • Chain Lightning: Chain Lightning is a powerful spell that can jump between several targets and inflict damage on each one. It’s a useful tool for inflicting damage on opponents.
  • Whelp Eggs: These eggs hatch into adaptable dragon units, each possessing special skills that allow for tactical freedom on the battleground.
  • Polymorph: Polymorph is a powerful transformation spell that transforms an enemy unit into a harmless sheep, effectively removing it from the battlefield for the time being.
  • Core Hounds: Fire-breathing creatures that deal massive area damage and scorch multiple enemies in their path.
Rend Blackhand Warcraft Rumble

B Tier

  • Goblin Sapper
  • Worgen
  • Prowler
  • Banshee
  • Necromancer
  • Firehammer
  • Abomination
  • Molten Giant
  • Fire Elemental
  • Execute
  • Ogre Mage
  • Arcane Blast
  • Harvest Golem
  • Flamewaker
  • Meat Wagon

C Tier

  • Dark Iron Miner
  • Bat Rider
  • Vultures
  • Holy Nova
  • Angry Chickens
  • Gnoll Brute
  • Skeleton Party
  • Skeletons
  • Living Bomb
  • Drake
  • Spiderlings

D Tier

  • Smoke Bomb
  • Raptors
  • Plague Farmer
  • Warsong Grunts
  • Mountaineer
  • Cheat Death
Warcraft Rumble Best Minis Leaders Tier List

That sums it up for our Warcraft Rumble: Best Minis & Leaders Tier List (Nov, 2023)! Feel free to share your own thoughts by leaving a comment below as well.

ALSO READ: Warcraft Rumble: Our Top 5 Tips & Tricks For New Players


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