
Lethal Company: Best Tips & Tricks

Be a moon scrapping pro!

Lethal Company can be pretty hard to play when you’re just getting used to the horrors and terrors of space travel. Even with a crew behind your back, playing in sync, staying coordinated, and staying alive can be difficult.

With monsters lurking in the shadows, quicksand, and lethal bees being among the few elements of the game out to get you, Lethal Company is a pretty punishing game to play.

To help you get the bang for your buck with Lethal Company, we’ve compiled the best tips and tricks for you. Keep reading to see the best tips and tricks to help you become a better scrapper in Lethal Company, so you can acquire more scrap and advance further in your runs.

Best Tips & Tricks for Lethal Company

1. Move Objects In The Ship

You can move objects in the ship. This is good for freeing up space, decluttering, and maybe most importantly, moving the Terminal somewhere that can optimize your gameplay.

You can do this by looking at a piece of furniture and selecting it. Press R to rotate it to any configuration that works for you.

A good example of how this can be useful is moving the Terminal by the door so you can immediately shut it when being chased by enemies. You can also move the shelves and cabinets out of the way to give your crew some extra room when you all need to hide from something.

Tips and Tricks in Lethal Company: Move items

2. The Terminal

That’s right. Knowing your way around the Terminal is a must if you want to get anywhere in this game. 

The Monitor (Hidden Command)

This allows you to view your teammates no matter where they are. You can look at external cameras and change where teleporters are focusing. 

There’s a hidden command on the Terminal that allows you to use the monitor. This allows you to see the monitor screen on the Terminal itself for a clearer view of everything. This makes it easier as you don’t need to use the radar on the monitor because you’ll have it on the Terminal.

To access this feature, enter “view monitor” into the Terminal.

Tips and Tricks In Lethal Company: Monitor Commands

Scan Command

Typing “scan” on the Terminal tells you whether there are any items left in the facility for your crew to collect. This is a good way to strategize with your crew to decide whether it’s worth going back in or just ending a run.

Have A Chair Commander

You’ll want someone who sits inside the ship and can use the Terminal and other indirect systems to help the team. This person will manage upgrades and other equipment like the teleporter. This person can also disable mines, turrets, and open doors from using the Terminal. 

Some important things the Chair Commander can do are teleport a crewmate out of danger, block off enemies using the door, give you passage through secure doors, facilitate communication with the whole team, and assist with overall map navigation. 

Essentially, they’re your eye in the sky who’ll keep the team safe from the comfort of the ship.

3. Manage Your Quota

There’s a set quota you have to it every time you start a run. By the end of Day 0, you will need to sell that amount of items to reach the quota or else you fail and have to start the run all over again.

A good way to manage your quota is to sell just enough items to meet your quota and keep the rest on board

When you start the next run, you can sell those items to meet the next quota. As long as the whole team hasn’t been wiped out, you can hold on to items to meet the further quota. 

Morbidly, you can also sell the corpses of your crewmates for 5 currency if you’re in desperate need of a few more to reach the quota. To do this, you can hit them a few times with your hammer or shovel and just pick up the body and put it up on the counter. 

4. Always Scan Before Entering The Facility

Make a habit of constantly scanning to help you get your bearings. Scanning before entering the facility helps you find items faster and helps reveal things that might not be easy to notice. This also helps you navigate the area because it reflects off the walls and lights the way a bit in the darkness. 

This is particularly useful if you don’t have a flashlight. Scanning also helps you save some time because you can see dead ends and find items right away. You can also use the scanning feature to visualize elevations and determine whether there are items that are above or below you.

Loot in Lethal Company

5. Always Leave Loot Outside

You always want to take loot outside near the entrance of the facility. There are hoarding bugs and monsters that can block you from your loot so make sure to keep everything outside.

If there’s an enemy outside the door, this will also alert you by saying there’s an enemy outside and you can wait until that message is gone before moving in.

6. Don’t Underestimate Signposts & Shovels

They may sound underwhelming on paper, but these things can really deal some damage and get fleas off of you and your teammates. You can also use these to disable obstacles in your way or just kill enemies with low HP. Sometimes all you need is to whack at things.

Signpost in Lethal Company

7. Bring Back the Bodies of Your Teammates

Consider whether bringing back the body of your fallen crewmate is worth the trouble. You get fined for failing to bring back the bodies but there will be times that you will be holding on to loot and have to decide whether the fine is worth sacrificing loot.

It’s important to remember that there’s a quota you have to fulfill, so when you lose a crewmate, strategize what you are gaining and losing by bringing their body back.

8. The Base Walkie-Talkie Battery Lasts As Long as a Single Run

You can use the battery of the base walkie-talkie as a way to time your runs. This will give you a good metric and strategize your run priorities. Time can get away from you when you’re exploring a facility, so this is a good thing to keep in mind.

If you turn your walkie-talkie on at the start of a run, you can estimate what time you have to be back at the ship by checking how much battery you have left.

Lethal Company Screenshot

9. Free Extra Money (Circuit Beehives)

Stealing Circuit Beehives and selling them can be a good way to get some extra currency in the game. Doing this can be difficult, however, because Circuit Bees can kill you if you so much as get too close. Read our guide on the Best Way to Steal Beehives if you plan to do this yourself.

Don’t steal a beehive at the start of the run, rather, do this as an extra task while you’re headed back to the ship. The Circuit Bees will be after you for a while.

10. Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks

Here are some other lesser-known tips and tricks:

  • You can teleport someone trapped by a snare flea/someone being haunted by Ghost Girl.
  • You can get bodies with the teleporter.
  • You can easily disable turrets/landmines/locked doors by typing their ID in the terminal. You don’t need to type “enable” or “disable”.
  • After your first quota, buy the teleporter. This will save your life.
  • Make sure you always have some stamina.
  • You can type the first three letters of things you usually access in the Terminal. Examples include “Ass” for traveling to Assurance, and “Exp” for Experimentation.

We hope this guide gives you the best tips and tricks to make your Lethal Company experience fruitful and enjoyable. Thanks to the generous players all over the internet for these great tips. 

READ NEXT: Lethal Company: How To Take Off Snare Flea From Your Own Head


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