
Lethal Company: Best Ways to Every Entrance & Fire Exit on Every Moon

Never get lost again! Here’s how.

Lethal Company is a fantastic horror game to play with your games. The premise is simple: you go on a moon, grab what you can, and leave the moon with the scrap you collect so you can sell it to the company.

But sometimes, you will have a hard time finding your way to the nearest entrance and fire exit because the weather can change the visibility or the formation of the land. In this guide, I will be showing you the best ways to get to every entrance and Fire Exit on every moon in Lethal Company.

Best Ways to Every Entrance & Fire Exit on Every Moon

Bear in mind that the Fire Exits and entrances are always in the same location every time you land on a moon. Their locations do not change, and they never will. However, trying to find a Fire Exit when already inside the facility is the hard part, as the Fire Exit is randomized. Keep that in mind when you play the game.


Starting with Experimentation, it’s easy to go to the entrance and Fire Exits. Starting with the Fire Exit, all you have to do is go to the left side of the facility. From the shuttle, head left and climb up the ladder. You should then be able to see the left side of the facility.

Experimentation moon in Lethal Company.

From here, just go up the stairs and you’ll find the stairs that will take you to the Fire Exit for Experimentation.

Experimentation Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

For the main entrance, go back to where you were when you climbed up the ladder and instead of going left, you will go right. The main entrance is easy to find compared to the Fire Exit.

Experimentation main entrance location in Lethal Company.


Moving to Assurance, you can actually make it to the Fire Exit as soon as you load into the moon. When you do, exit the ship and head to the left side of the ship. There, jump off the ship and aim for the rock. You will undoubtedly take fall damage when you land on the rock, so remember that if you want to take this route.

Assurance moon in Lethal Company.

Jump on the pipes and follow it. You will then find the Fire Exit to the left side.

Assurance Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

For the main entrance, just simply turn around and follow the pipes. Eventually, you will reach the end of the pipes, as well as the main entrance of the facility.

Assurance main entrance location in Lethal Company.

There’s also another way to get down to the main entrance quickly from the ship, similar to the Fire Exit. When you load into the moon, quickly exit the ship and look to your right. There, you will find a rock next to a fallen pipe that you can jump to. Again, you will get fall damage if you jump off this height, so bear that in mind.

But once you do land, go down the side and go between the rocks. You will then find the main entrance there.

Assurance alternative main entrance path in Lethal Company.


Vow is one of the hardest moons to navigate in because the moon constantly has a fog that prevents you from seeing more than 30 feet in front of you. But you can easily find one of the entrances if you simply exit the ship and go right. Keep going straight and move around the trees.

Vow moon in Lethal Company.

Eventually, you will reach the rickety bridge that you can cross to reach the main entrance. However, I recommend that you do not cross this bridge when carrying a lot of scrap. The bridge has a weight limit and if it carries more than it can hold, the bridge will fall down and summon every Forest Giant nearby.

Vow rickety bridge to main entrance in Lethal Company.

However, there is another bridge you can use to cross if you are carrying a ton of scrap. Facing the main entrance, head left and you will soon find a bridge/dam. This bridge is much more stable and will allow you to cross with heavy scraps.

Vow bridge/dam in Lethal Company.

And if you look down the bridge, you can find the Fire Exit as well.

Vow Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.


Moving to Offense and starting with the Fire Exit, you will need to be quick and exit the ship. Once out of the ship, climb up the ship and stand on the roof. You will need to time your jump to the pipes as you approach them, as missing the pipes will cause you to fall to the ground and die immediately.

Offense moon in Lethal Company.

Turn left and walk across the pipes. You will eventually find these silos that you can go around and find the Fire Exit.

Offense Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

For the main entrance, simply wait for the ship to land and head to this valley between the two rocks.

Offense main entrance path in Lethal Company.

You will know you are near the main entrance if you come across a broken piece of machinery that connects two pieces of the land together to form a bridge. Go up the slope and you will find the main entrance.

Offense main entrance location in Lethal Company.


Next is March, and if you think Vow is hard to see, then March is twice as worse. However, you can find the main entrance easily by going right as soon as the ship lands and following the edge.

March moon in Lethal Company.

Eventually, you will find the main entrance after a short while. It’s not too far from the ship as well.

March main entrance location in Lethal Company.

For the Fire Exit, you will need to start from the main entrance. Facing the main entrance, turn left and keep heading in that direction. Keep going down the path until you reach this area.

March Fire Exit path in Lethal Company.

Just behind the large rock, you can find the Fire Exit.

March Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

However, there is another Fire Exit we can go to that’s much closer to the ship. As soon as the ship lands, go to the left side and face the direction where you head deeper into the forest. From here, go straight into the trees.

March Second Fire Exit path in Lethal Company.

Eventually, you will find a concrete structure that’s sticking out from the otherwise grassy texture.

March concrete structure in Lethal Company.

Go around it and look down. You will then find the Fire Exit at the bottom.

March second Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

For the last Fire Exit on March, you need to go behind the ship as soon as it lands on the moon. From there, keep going straight up.

March third Fire Exit path in Lethal Company.

When you reach deep in the forest, you will find a slope that goes uphill. Go up the hill.

March going up the hill in Lethal Company.

As soon as you go up, turn around and you will then find the last Fire Exit available on March.

March third Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.


Rend is by the far the worst moon for visibility. Not only that, but the map is much larger compared to other moons. However, there is a trick to get to the main entrance faster. When you land on the ship, you usually need to follow the lights to the main entrance. Instead of doing that, follow the lights until the fifth lamppost and go behind this house.

Rend moon in Lethal Company.

Keep following the path behind the house and use your Scanner to get the location of the main entrance. Eventually, you will find the main entrance much faster than following the lights.

Rend main entrance location in Lethal Company.

For the Fire Exit, you will need to start from the ship. From there, follow this path up the hill.

Rend Fire Exit path in Lethal Company.

Keep going until you eventually reach the edge. Here, you will need to slowly make your way down. Be careful, as jumping down and landing will kill you due to the fall damage. Best case scenario is you just end up being severely injured and limp.

Rend going down the edge in Lethal Company.

Follow the path to the left and you will find the Fire Exit here.

Rend Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.


For Dine, it’s the same as Rend. It is completely fogged up and snowing, making it hard to see. However, you can follow the same strat as the Rend moon to find the main entrance faster. To do this, simply go left from the lights and keep going down this path. Use your Scanner to find the location of the main entrance and use that as a way to find the entrance.

Dine moon in Lethal Company.

This method is much faster for both Rend and Dine moons, but very dangerous due to the low visibility.

Dine main entrance location in Lethal Company.

For the Fire Exit, simply jump to the left and keep going straight into the darkness.

Dine Fire Exit path in Lethal Company.

You will eventually find the Fire Exit on the side of the cliff. This Fire Exit requires you to use a ladder to reach, however, due to the height of the Fire Exit. But, if you have full stamina, you can continuously jump up the side of the cliff to reach the Fire Exit.

Dine Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.


Titan is the last moon and one of the easiest moons to reach the Fire Exit and main entrance. That’s because to get to both, all you need to do is go up the stairs until you reach the top. In fact, you can even use a Jetpack to go to the entrances much faster.

Titan moon in Lethal Company.

When you reach the top, you can find the main entrance to the right side of the facility.

Titan main entrance location in Lethal Company.

The Fire Exit is then located on the left side.

Titan Fire Exit location in Lethal Company.

That’s all you need to know about the best ways to find the entrance and Fire Exits on every moon on Lethal Company. Did this guide help you understand how to get to these entrances? Let us know in the comments below.

If you think getting to these entrances is a walk in the park, you need to understand that this is when the enemies don’t spawn in the game yet. Check out this tier list that shows you the enemies in the game and their danger level to stay informed.


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