
Predecessor: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Take these tips with you!

We all know what a MOBA game is, it’s one of the biggest genres in gaming. From the first DOTA games to the now gaming juggernaut of League of Legends, the genre has been on top for a while. Predecessor is the newest addition to that genre and it’s mixing in 3rd-person combat into the mix. The game features all of the familiar mechanics of a MOBA paired with a 3rd person view as well as their own unique characters to choose from. Since it’s still a new game there might be a bit of confusion on how things work, so in this guide we’ll show you some tips and tricks beginners should know about the game.

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide For Predecessor

Before we get started this article is written in the assumption that you already know your MOBA lingo. That means you know what the different positions are, the lanes and so on. We will be focusing on what makes Predecessor stand out from the normal MOBA so keep that in mind.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

Abilities is the bread and butter of any character in any MOBA. When you start the game you can press Left Control to see what your character’s abilities are. Take your time learning what these abilities do and of course they change depending on the character.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

Since this isn’t a top down MOBA like normal, you might wonder how vision works in the game. The enemy will appear as a red outline that you can see through walls when they’re tagged by minions, a tower or teammate. They also appear on the minimap at the top right.

There are also magic barriers that hides you from enemy vision around the map, think of it as the grass in the usual MOBAs.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

When you need to fall back, buy items for yourself or just need to get out of the front then you can recall at anytime by pressing “B.” This will teleport you back to base and you can then replenish your health and mana as well as buy items.


Source: SpookyFairy – YouTube

Talking about items when you’re still learning the game it’s highly suggested that you let the game buy items for your character. The auto buying of items is set to default so for your first games you don’t actually have to worry about it. When you learn more about the game and the characters you can try to make your own item builds.

Congratulations you now know these tips and tricks for Predecessor, now go out there and try the game out! Many thanks to SpookyFairy for showing everyone these, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How to Play & Win in PREDECESSOR – The ULTIMATE Beginner’s Guide! – YouTube

ALSO READ: Predecessor: MINI PRIME & ORB PRIME Buff Differences Explained


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