If you do find a key in Escape From Tarkov, under no circumstances should you actually just throw it away in the garbage. Instead, look up for a guide on ItemLevel and we will help you out on how you can use it to your advantage and get some very cool loot from it. In this guide, we will show you how to use the Hotel Room 206 Key Guide. Let’s get started.
Escape From Tarkov – Hotel Room 206 Key Guide
This key is a common item meaning that you are able to find it in the most common and easy-to-find places. A good examples of where to find them are pockets, jackets, bags and etc. Follow these steps on how to actually use the key.
Step 1 – Get Inside Pinewood Hotel

You are able to find the Pinewood Hotel on the very north center side of the map and if you follow the north road you can see it just there. Enter the hotel from the main entrance or the little door shown in the picture above. Make sure that you don’t wander off to the left a lot since snipers will get you.
Step 2 – Follow The Stairs To the Second Floor

Use the stairs that you will see after you go through the main entrance. Use them to get to the second floor and take a right on the corridor.
Step 3 – Find The Room 206

Follow the hallway and as you follow it you will see some boxes and furniture out in the open. The Room 206 will be just behind those boxes and you can use the key to open it up and enjoy the loot. Congratulations! We hope that this guide has helped you out on how to find and use the Room 206 key. Have fun looting and enjoy the rewards!