
Across The Obelisk: How To Win With Starting Team

Is it even possible?!

Across The Obelisk: How To Win With Starting Team

You will start out in Across the Obelisk feeling very bare with your starting team. As you level up you’ll unlock new characters and probably switch to a couple of them for being stronger. Can you win by using the starting team though, is it possible? Well yes, it is! You will have to follow a very strict order of perks and deck guides for this to be achieved though. Let’s see what you’ll have to do.

How To Win With Starting Team – Across The Obelisk

The starting team in Across the Obelisk is this:

  • Magnus
  • Andrin
  • Evelyn
  • Reginald

They are not such a bad combination, to begin with, so you can actually do very well with them. The only this that you’ll have to worry about is how you actually construct their build. Note that at the beginning your team will be super weak, but as you progress and you unlock more and more things you’ll gradually become stronger as well.


This is what your Magnus deck should look like:

Source: DeckerTech

This is what your Andrin deck should look like:

Source: DeckerTech

This is what your Evelyn deck should look like:

Source: DeckerTech

This is what your Reginald deck should look like:

Source: DeckerTech


For perks, at the very beginning, you can put a whole total of 14 perks. This is how you should build your characters with your starting team.

This is how your Magnus Perks should look like:

Source: DeckerTech
Source: DeckerTech

At the Elemental one, just pick the Powerful two times.

This is what your Andrin perks should look like:

Source: DeckerTech
Source: DeckerTech

Also just like the previous one, pick the Powerful perk also in the Elemental Tab as well.

This is what your Evelyn Perks should look like:

Source: DeckerTech
Source: DeckerTech

That is what you should stick with for her.

This is what your Reginald Perks should be:

Source: DeckerTech
Source: DeckerTech

That is it with the perks. Make sure to pick all of these that are shown here and you’ll feel a big difference when playing your games. As you keep going through the game see whatever works for you and choose the perks that will enhance your playstyle.

That is it! This is what’s going to get you started from that difficult beginning of the game. Make sure to know the roles of all of these characters and use them in appropriate situations. A tanker for tanking, a healer for healing and etc.

A very big thank you to the YouTube user by the name of DeckerTech. He was gone well and beyond into detail and everything that you’ll need to know about this complex building system. Make sure to give him a try because he’s explaining more of the things that you might need. You can see his video by clicking here.

READ NEXT: Across The Obelisk: Corrupted Items Guide | Everything You Need To Know


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