In Anime Crossover Defense, you can take your favorite anime characters and use them in battles across the various worlds in game. You can also work to upgrade your units until they become really powerful. This makes it a really interesting tower defense game on Roblox.
However, you might be wondering if there is a way to make your units really powerful. Indeed, there is, as you can actually reliably make Shiny Primal Mythics in the game. Want to know how? In this guide, we’ll go through the entire method. Let’s get into it!
How To Make Shiny Primal Mythics Guide
Anime Crossover Defense is still a relatively new game on Roblox. So, if you’re just starting out, we recommend that you familiarize yourself a bit with the game. Not to worry, our Anime Crossover Defense Beginner’s guide is here to help you out!
With that said, here are the steps you need to follow to make Shiny Primal Mythics in Anime Crossover Defense on Roblox:
- Upgrade a Unit to Mythic at the Unit Ascension NPC
- Obtain Shiny Stars and Primal Tokens in the game
- Upgrade the Mythic Unit to Shiny by using Shiny Stars
- Upgrade the Mythic Unit to Primal by using Primal Tokens
- Rank up Shiny Primal Mythic Unit to make them even more powerful.
Shiny Primal Mythic Breakdown
Before we get into how you can make Shiny Primal Mythics in Anime Crossover Defense, it is first crucial that you understand what they are and how they differ from other units.
You can distinguish a Shiny Primal Mythic by the following features:
- The double traits on the unit indicates that they are a Shiny
- The holographic background indicates they are a Primal.
The presence of double traits means that you can potentially get more buffs on your unit. You will be able to roll for two traits instead of one.
On the other hand, being a primal will give your unit 15% more power. This means that your damage stats will increase by 15%, which is a huge amount.
In this way, you can make your favorite Mythic units that much more powerful in Anime Crossover Defense. Now let’s see exactly how you can do it.

Making Mythic Units
First up, we’ll look at how you can turn units into Mythics in Anime Crossover Defense. You can actually turn any unit that you want in the game into a Mythic.
To do this, make your way to the large Purple Door or Portal in the hub. You can find this near the Rifts area.
Go through into the portal.

After you do that, you’ll find a couple of NPCs in front of you. Make your way to the Unit Ascension NPC and interact with him.
It is this NPC that will allow you to make your units into Mythics.

If you can’t figure out which Unit you should ascend, check out our Unit Ascension Guide for some great recommendations.
In the Unit Ascension Menu, you will see two options: Pick Unit and Sacrifices.

In the Pick Unit menu, simply pick whichever unit you want to ascend and eventually make a Shiny Primal Mythic.

Once you have this selected, go to the Sacrifices option. Here, you’ll need to sacrifice at least two Mythics that you have in your inventory. Mythics are hard to come by so you’ll need to be sure before you commit to it.
After you fulfill both these conditions, you’ll have the Mythic on your hand!

Making Shiny and Primal Mythics
Next, you’ll want to turn that Mythic into a Shiny and Primal in Anime Crossover Defense. To do this, you’ll need to get your hands on two items: Shiny Stars and Primal Tokens.
You can get Shiny Stars and Primal Tokens in three ways in Anime Crossover Defense. They are:
- Obtain from Battle Pass
- Get them as Rewards for completing Challenge Rift Floors
- Get them as drops from World Stages once a month.

The most reliable way to get them is through the Challenge Rift Floors. You can find the Challenge Rift portal in the hub area, on the other side of the purple door.
Below is an image which shows their locations.

If you interact with this portal, you’ll be able to see that there are different floors that constitute challenge levels. Beating each of these floors will give you a reward.
Here is the reward breakdown for getting Shiny Stars and Primal Tokens in Anime Crossover Defense:
- Obtain Shiny Stars every Floor 100
- Obtain Primal Tokens every Floor 25.
In this way, you can reliably grind for the items you need to get your Shiny Primal Mythic. Once you have these items, all you need to do is select them from your Inventory.
From there, select the Shiny Star and Primal Token from your Inventory. From there, select the Mythic Unit in your Inventory and you’ll be able to turn them into a Shiny or Primal respectively.
Doing so, will allow you to make a Shiny Primal Mythic. However, there is one last thing we will touch upon. It will allow you to make your Shiny Primal Mythics even more stronger, and we strongly recommend it.

Ranking Up Shiny Primal Mythics (Prestige)
In Anime Crossover Defense, you can actually level up your units beyond the Level 100 cap. This is called the Prestige system.
You can prestige a unit at Level 100 and it will sacrifice their level and give them a prestige number. Doing so will give them a permanent 15% boost to their power. There is also no direct cap on prestige so you can do it as much as you want.
However, it does have a cap that will depend on your level so keep that in mind.
So, with prestige, your Shiny Primal Mythic in Anime Crossover Defense can get additional boosts to power.

After that, you also have the option to rank up your Shiny Primal Mythics. You can do this by going to the Unit Rank Up NPC that can be found in the hub next to the purple portal.

In the Unit Rank Up menu, you can give certain items that you unlock from the World Stages and rank up. Each Rank up will give you a certain upgrade to your power. For example, Rank 10 in Anime Crossover Defense will give your unit a whopping 25% Attack Power Boost.
So, all in all, you can get some amazing boosts by making a Shiny Primal Method and then ranking and applying prestige to them.

That’s everything you need to know about making Shiny Primal Mythics in Anime Crossover Defense. If you’ve gone through this, it means you must be a fan of overpowered things. So why not check out our Overpowered Best Artifacts Guide to see which ones you can get in the game!