Bloodhunt is a battle royale with a focus on fighting vampires from other clans. However, when you are low on health, you may need to feast on some humans. This guide will show you what exactly are resonance buffs and how you can use them in Bloodhunt.
Resonance Buffs – Bloodhunt
When you take damage in Bloodhunt and are in need of getting your health back, you can feed on the humans that are walking around in the map. Simply approach a human and press X or the keybind that allows you to feed on humans.

As you feed on the humans, you will regain health. When you approach them, you may notice that they have different colors inside them. These are called resonance, and there are different resonance colors in different humans.
If you feed on a human with an orange resonance or Choleric resonance, they will increase your melee damage by up to 50%. You can stack all the resonance buffs, maxing out at tier 3. For the purple humans, they reduce the cooldowns on your clan skills.
For the pink humans, you can get a resonance buff of passive health regeneration over time. A teal human can reduce the cooldown of your archetype skills.
Keep in mind that the buffs you get on this game will not carry over to the next game.