Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 released with a not so stellar start, with thousands of players experiencing technical difficulties from crashes to connection errors. Despite the rough start, the new game mode DMZ has introduced new fans to the game who like the much more PvE focused game mode with some PvP sprinkled around if you’re lucky, or unlucky depending on the situation. The game features a ton of locations with most of them needing to have special keys to get in, in this guide we’ll show you where to find the Caretaker’s House Key in Call of Duty Warzone DMZ.
Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 DMZ: Caretaker’s House Key LOCATION GUIDE
Just a reminder for those who are looking for this certain key or any key in the game. There’s a chance that you can get these keys in any loot area in the game and depending on your luck you can probably get it when just running around the map. What we’re going to show you is the best location to get it, although it’s still up to RNG if you’ll ever get this key or not, this is just the place that has the highest chance. This is where you can best get the Caretaker’s House Key in DMZ.

In the southern parts of the map northeast of Sawah Village is the Al Samman Cemetary, there are a few buildings there and the one on the southeastern side of the map is what you’re looking for. The place is usually guarded with AI though so it’s best to clear it out first.
Congratulations you now know where to best find this key in Call of Duty 2.0 Warzone DMZ, now go out there and try to get it yourself! Many thanks to the Full Measure for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Caretaker’s House key LOCATION GUIDE | Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 DMZ – YouTube
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