Have you ever played Paper’s, Please? Ever felt like you wanted to do more than just sit in a cubicle all day denying people entry to your country while also trying to uncover a terrorist plot? Well, you can do that in Contraband Police and so much more, it even gets to a point where you WISH you were just in a cubicle all day long!
Aside from gunning down reprobates who wish to bring you and your country harm, you also need to find hidden treasures during downtime. Think of these things as dead drops, like how the Mexicans do it in all of those fictional movies you watch. They won’t be easy to find though.
Hidden Treasure Locations – Contraband Police
Each treasure will give about $300 and right now there are 9 of them scattered around the border. You’ll receive a map later on but you can go ahead and view that in this guide along with the marked locations.
View your map through your Duty Handbook and don’t forget to bring a shovel! It’s not a proper treasure hunt without one.

The reason why you’re going to need a shovel is that, well, they’re buried underground! Not too many areas in the wilderness for your foes to get creative and leave them hanging elsewhere.
The boxes hidden beneath the dirt mound will have a sigil of a snake painted in white. Bring multiple shovels if you want to uncover all of these adult Kinder Egg boxes to avoid making multiple trips.

Here are the rest of the locations of the various caches that need to be dug up, one more area you should be aware of is the Border Post itself. Who would’ve thought those jackals got so close to you huh?
Get all of those boxes and earn yourself a few thousand dollars in cash!
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