There is a new way to get Gojo with the latest update of Heaven Stand! Players do not have to fight with the Gojo boss any longer, but it is questionable if the new method is better than the old one or not.
While players are saved from trying to defeat that powerful boss, now they need to wait for the blindfold to spawn. Therefore, get ready to run and wait a lot while looking for the Gojo in Heaven Stand. Let’s get to the guide!
How to Get GOJO Guide
The first step is to obtain Gojo’s Blindfold, which has a 10% chance of spawning randomly over the map every 40 minutes. So, you will basically need to run around the map and try to find the blindfold like that. But at least, there are some specific places you can find Gojo’s Blindfold.
Spawn Area 1:

Spawn Area 2:

Spawn Area 3:

Spawn Area 4:

Spawn Area 5:

Going back and forth to find this blindfold might take a long time, but you will eventually find it in one of these locations.

Once you finally found it, go to the Ability Storage NPC and use it on Standless.

Do you want to read more about Heaven Stand? Make sure to check out our Ultimate Heaven Stand Wiki for everything you’ll need! It’s filled with information like NPCs, Locations, how to get the Stands and more!
How to Use GOJO Abilities
Now that you finally get the Gojo, let’s take a look at how to use the abilities and see whether it was worth your time or not.
- Press E to activate Beatdown.

- Press R for Aerial Kick.

- Press T for Lapse Blue.

- Use the key G for Hollow Purple.

- Use H for Infinity Blast.

- Press E for Punch Combo.

- Use T to activate Max Lapse Blue.

- Press Y to use Max Reversal.

- Last but not least, press G to create a Domain Expansion.

And that is it! Now you can find Gojo’s Blindfold and use its cool abilities on your opponents. It might take you some time to get your hands on it because you will need to wait for a long time since it does not spawn in one specific area. But the abilities it provides you definitely worth the wait! Let us know if you have any questions or comments by leaving a comment below!
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