There’s a game out there made by the co-creator of Rick & Morty and as expected it has the same humor as the show. High On Life is the newest big addition to the FPS genre and it’s a game about talking guns, space bounty hunting and weird aliens as well as funny and interesting dialogue. From that alone you should already know this isn’t your typical FPS game where you’re fighting some global threat or defeating entire nations all by yourself. The game doesn’t take itself seriously and is filled with goofy and interesting areas, these areas also have hidden treasure boxes and in this guide we’ll show you where to find them.
All Dreg Town Luglox Locations In High On Life
In High On Life you might come across these weird box shaped creatures called Lugloxes and they’re basically the game’s treasure boxes. They contain currency, collectibles and even upgrades so it’s good to hunt them down. They’re scattered all around the maps of the game and in this guide we’ll show you where to find all of them in Dreg Town.
Luglox #1

The first Luglox is near the start, just behind a giant moving fan, use Sweezy’s alt-fire to slow down the fan to go through.
Luglox #2

Right in front of the start is a wall and on top of it is another Luglox that you can open.
Luglox #3

Right in front and above the first luglox you’ll see a wall where you can use Gus to make a platform on. To the left of that wall is another Luglox.
Luglox #4

Next to that Luglox is a wall where you can wall run, to the left of that wall is platform where there’s another Luglox.
Luglox #5

Facing the previous Luglox go right and down to another platform, straight forward is a building and on top of it is your next Luglox.
Luglox #6

From Luglox #5 drop down to see a building with a pointed roof and shimneys, in the middle of the chimneys is another Luglox.
Luglox #7

Go down the building and near the goo pool is another Luglox.
Luglox #8

In the area where the goo pool is in a corner is a door you can open. Once out of the door look to the right and up and climb the rocks, boost up sticking to the wall to the right and you’ll find another Luglox.
Luglox #9

To the left of the previous Luglox you’ll see some ziplines, follow the line to the left till you reach a wall that can be moved using Kenny’s glob shot. Behind it is another Luglox.
Luglox #10

Now use the zipline and follow it till the end where you can see a bunch of boxes below and on top of one of them is another Luglox.
Luglox #11

From the previous Luglox, look behind and stick to the left wall, up a platform and stay left till you find the Dreg Town Pawn building. Use the image above to find the next Luglox which you can access by using the platforms to the right.
Luglox #12

Looking directly at the previous Luglox you can see a building to the front right where on top of it is another Luglox.
Luglox #13

From the previous Luglox you can look at the Dreg Town Pawn and turn left to see a platform near the street level where there’s another Luglox.
Luglox #14

Directly opposite of the previous Luglox is a green building and on top of it is another Luglox.
Luglox #15

The roof where the previous Luglox is a zipling going to another building, take it and next to that building is another Luglox.
Luglox #16

Next to the previous Luglox is a pink wall which you can hook to and go up. Once up turn right and on the edge is another Luglox.
Luglox #17

Now go to the opposite of the previous Luglox and you’ll find another set of large buildings and pipes with a weird alien face bwlo. To the right is a platform where there’s another Luglox.

Luglox #18

Now go back to the building where there’s pipes and green goo running out of it, jump down to street level and there you’ll find an NPC with a Luglox behind him. To the right of him is a wall with some graffiti, use Kenny’s alt fire to shoot at the empty “K” on the Graffiti to make him move.

Luglox #19

Turn left over the fence and go on top of the building with the green stripes. On it are platforms with one of them having the Luglox.

Luglox #20

Left of the previous Luglox on top of another building is your next Luglox.
Luglox #21

Go opposite of where the previous Luglox is, jump down to the wall with a large fan, go through it using Sweezy. Once you’re through, go left and then up using the platforms and you’ll see another Luglox.

Luglox #22

Go down from the previous Luglox to where you went through the ventilation shaft, from the shaft follow the wall to the left till you find the chain link fence where behind is another Luglox.
Luglox #23

From the previous Luglox, go out past the chain link fence and turn right till you see the kiosk with a yellow roof. Go left and you should see a wall, look up and you’ll see the next Luglox.

Luglox #24

Go down from the previous Luglox and at the end of the path is another Luglox.
Luglox #25

From the previous Luglox go back and stick to the right up some stairs and on the right wall is a door where there’s another Luglox.
Luglox #26

Above the previous Luglox are walls and platforms you can traverse to get to another Luglox.
Luglox #27

Directly below Luglox #25 is another Luglox hidden away below down a small set of stairs.
Luglox #28

From Luglox #25 go left till the end of the path, look right and up to see a wall you can hook to. From there you can see another platform with another Luglox.
Luglox #29

To the right of the previous Luglox is zipling you can drop down to, at the end is a wall with a room blocked by a shield and a pipe next to it. Use Creature to shoot a creature inside the pipe to disable the shield.
Luglox #30

Go opposite of the previous Luglox and down below is another one just near the rock walls.
Luglox #31

From the previous Luglox look behind and you’ll see another Luglox nearby, use the wall next to it to get there.
Luglox #32

Turn right and carefully jump down to another platform below where on right side is box, on top of it is another Luglox.
Luglox #33

Once you enter the Thomas Michael Phillips Sr. Memorial Court to the left you can find another Luglox. Below it is platform where you can shoot to flip it and use it to get there.
Luglox #34

When looking at the previous Luglox you can see another one on the wall behind it.
Luglox #35

Jump down and you’ll see another Luglox just on top of the building through the zipline.
Luglox #36

Finally the last Luglox is in the G3 Recruitment Center, when you enter and find the room sludge and containers, in one of them at the very back is your last Luglox.
Congratulations you now know where all the Lugloxes are in Dreg Town in High On Life. Now go out there and try to get them all. Many thanks to oo for showing everyone where to find them, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: High On Life Dreg Town All Luglox Locations – YouTube
ALSO READ: High On Life: All 8 Nipulon’s Office Luglox Locations