The Hotel Room 215 Key is an item that you can use to be getting tons of cool rewards just by going to a certain area of the map and opening one specific door. In this guide we will be showing you where that Hotel 215 Room door is and how you can actually get there. Let’s get started.
Escape From Tarkov – Hotel Room 215 Key Guide
If you are looting a lot of pockets of random NPC scavengers as well as many jackets and bags found throughout the world, you will easily find the Hotel Room 215 Key. To use it, however, you need to do a couple of steps first.
Step 1 – Find Pinewood Hotel & Enter Door

Go to the very north side of the map and inside the Pinewood Hotel region. It will be in the center north road and you can enter it from many different sides actually. We recommend that you go from the north and then enter it from that side since it is better.
There is a door that you can see just next to the pillars, just make sure that you don’t stray off to the left a lot since there are snipers that can one-shot you. Enter the door shown above.
Step 2- Second Floor Door

Follow the stairs that you can after you had entered the main entrance and just make a huge circle on the second floor until you get to this little corridor shown in the picture above. Just the hallway to the left until you find the room that you are looking for.
Step 3 – Open The Door

As you go through the tunnel you can find the Hotel Room 215 door just on your right. It will have a light on top of it so you will know it’s the one. Open it and enjoy the loot! Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out in finding the Hotel Room 215 and using the Key to unlock it. Have fun looting it!
ALSO READ: Stair Landing Key Guide – Escape From Tarkov