In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Lightkeepers room and the Lighthouse island are locations that can be accessed during certain in-game events or missions. There is great loot to be obtained from here, and you can also speak with the Lightkeeper on [spoiler alert] the 3rd floor of the total 7 that the Lighthouse has to offer us. Read along and find out how to access the Lighthouse and all its riches!
Escape from Tarkov – How To Access The Lighthouse Island & the Lightkeepers Room
To start off, let’s go over some requirements first!
To access the Lightkeepers room, you must first complete the “Light Keepers” quest, which becomes available after reaching level 20 and completing the “Shoreline” map. This quest involves completing a series of tasks for the character Prapor, including finding and bringing him a specific item. Once you have completed the quest, the Lightkeepers room will become accessible to you on the Shoreline map.
To access the Lighthouse island, you must first complete the “Lighthouse” quest, which becomes available after reaching level 25 and completing the “Shoreline” map. This quest involves completing a series of tasks for the character Therapist, including finding and bringing her a specific item. Once you have completed the quest, the Lighthouse island will become accessible to you on the Shoreline map.
Escape from Tarkov – How To Access The Lighthouse Island
Getting through the landmine-riddled bridge can be tricky, but it’s possible with the right pathing.
The first thing you want to do is head towards the right-hand side of the bridge and stop at the first set of palettes. Turn your back around and keep walking that way (face towards the entrance gate). This neat little trick will mitigate most damage that landmines would normally deal to you.

Once you’re past it, walk over to the left and onto the concrete block on the ground. Keep your face turned towards the entrance and slowly walk backwards – a landmine should go off at some point, but as long as you’re backpedaling you should take almost no damage.
Once it detonates, you’re safe to climb on top of the concrete blocks. Jump off the blocks to the middle of the pavement, while keeping in mind there’s a landmine just below the blocks. It’ll explode once you land, with your back turned towards it.

Walk over the rubble and head all the way to the right. Stay on the right the entire time, walking past the plastic canister all the way to the army truck. When you get there, slowly walk backwards in order to avoid damage from the mine that’s in your way.
Once you’re past the truck, slowly approach the fence (image below) and wait for the landmine next to the wooden boxes to explode. Following the right side all the way, go lower all the way to the steep path next to the water. You want to be careful here – mines will go off on the road above you as you move past them. Crouching and slowly walking next to the water step by step is your best bet here.

Once you reach the end of the water, wait for the mine (image below) to detonate and you should be safe to cross over the fence. At this point, your only worry should be the boss and his ‘army’.

Escape from Tarkov – How To Access Lightkeepers Room
Once you’re on the island, the Lightkeepers Room can be accessed on the 3rd floor of the Lighthouse building. There are certain quests that need to be completed beforehand, but assuming you’ve done these you should be all set! Keep in mind that this content is very fresh as of right now, so expect lots of changes as time goes by.
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