There was patch 12.15 recently released in the world of League of Legends. This means that some champions will change in their tier ranks and usefulness in games. In this guide we will be talking about the ADC Bot tier list and who is the most OP Champion here. Let’s get started.
Season 12 ADC Bot Tier List – League Of Legends

Sivir has gotten some big round of pretty OP nerfs. But still, she can be put inside the OP list even after all of those little changes that she went through. She is still the best traditional ADC carry that you would want in the Bot lane. Nothing can even come close to her level. There isn’t anyone that is good enough to be remotely close to her level.
Ziggs has dropped down significantly. He has gone all the way to the A tier. He is doing pretty fine in his strategy of neutralizing his lane by perma shoving it but when it comes to actually being the ADC he just isn’t nearly as good as the higher-tier picks.
Vayne has dropped down too. She can be found in the B tier this time. Basically, you’ll only want to pick her when you’ll need a tank buster. Even then, Kogma might be a better option in most cases unless you really need her self-sufficiency, or you really like this champion.

Jinx is finally at a decent spot in the tier list. She is at B tier right now. She is decently playable but still generally overshadowed by the other hyper carries like the Twitch and Kog`maw that can just be active and very useful with one or two items.
Kalista went into the C tier this time. She lost a lot with this patch but interestingly enough she didn’t actually lose her performance by that much. She requires a lot of coordination and it is pretty hard to play with, but if given in expert hands she can do pretty useful things.
Senna gets demoted all the way down to the D tier. She was already doing a pretty bad job in the main role as a support. But if played as an ADC type of champion you are basically just trolling. Don’t do it. She will lose a lane very early and has no way of winning it back.
That is all the big changes of the Season 12 ADC Bot Tier List. All of these champions are still pretty playable but a couple of them got nerfed by a lot. A big thank you to the YouTube user by the name of ProGuides Challenger League of legends Guides. You can check him out here.
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