
Lethal Company: How To Take Off Snare Flea From Your Own Head

That’s a nice head you got on your shoulders!

Lethal Company Snare Flea

One thing you have to understand right from the get-go when playing Lethal Company is the fact that you will die. There’s more than a hundred ways for you to die here as you work, but the struggle is always more fun if you survive just a bit longer.

If you’ve been playing for a while, then you may have already encountered the Snare Flea. That or it already encountered you and took your head off. Lucky for you, there’s a way to remedy that, no we can’t put your severed head back on your shoulders and call it a day. Read the rest of the guide if you want to know how to defend yourself from a Snare Flea attack!

How To Take Off Snare Flea From Your Own Head

The Snare Flea’s primary attack involves lunging at you and blocking a good portion of your field of view. It will also force you to drop your items.

In other words, you’ll go blind seconds before you die. But you can take on the Snare Flea alone even if you don’t have any friends nearby. Hey that rhymed! All you need to do is believe in yourself, you also need a shovel.

Lethal Company Snare Flea Attack

A Snare Flea makes a distinct sound before it goes for your head. You only have a few seconds to get it off before your life support goes offline. Remember the shovel you were supposed to bring?

The Snare Flea will force you to drop that too. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pick it back up. The shovel will drop near your feet, the prompt will appear on your screen if you’re able to pick it up.

Start swinging for the fences once the shovel is back in your hands. This will get the Snare Flea off your head and try to make an escape. Do the little guy a favor and put it out of its misery before it comes back for you.

Lethal Company Snare Flea Attack

And that’s how you get a Snare Flea off your own head in Lethal Company. Remember that a friend can always help you in situations like this. You can’t meet the quota if you and the rest of your party are dead!

ALSO READ: Lethal Company: All Moon Average Value Per Scan Guide


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