Choosing to become a Hollow in Peroxide is no easy route. It’ll involve a lot of killing if you want to move on up, the problem comes in when you get killed yourself. That part can be avoided if you’re good at what you’re doing.
But what do you do next when you eventually become a Vastocar yourself? Well, you go to the gym, not even kidding. You have plenty more things to do once you start looking like a human again so check out our complete Vastocar Beginner’s guide if you want to know more!
Complete Vastocar Beginner’s Guide
The first thing you need to do is to get killed by a hollow. If you can’t find any Hollows, go to the quest board and take the “Kill 3 Hollows” quest.
Once you find one, let them have their way with you. That will turn you into a lost soul, keep on pressing “G” on your keyboard to become a Hollow completely.

Now, you need to go to Hueco Mundo next, you can do that by opening a Garganta. You need to kill 10 Hollows next and eat their bodies to become a Red Eye.
When you become a Red Eye, you need to kill another hollow that has red eyes in order to become a Menos.

The killing doesn’t stop there, once you become a Menos you need to 30 more Hollows. You need to survive for 30 minutes while in this form as well, if you get killed then you’re going to have to start all over again.

The next step in your evolution will turn you into an Adjuchas. These are the second classification of Menos, basically a middle-class Hollow. Now, you need to become a Vasto Lorde next.
To do that, you’re going to need 1700 Hollow kills. A big number for sure, but the game doesn’t expect you to literally kill more than a thousand. Here’s a list of targets you can find to shorten your progress:
- Normal Hollow – 1 kill
- Red Eye Hollow – 3 kills
- Menos/Gillian – 5 kills
- Adjuchas – 10 kills
- Vasto Lorde – 50 kills
- Storm Arrancars – 100 kills
Just keep in mind that if you die at any time, you lose 60 kills. Remember that every time you want to take on a Storm Arrancar!

Kill enough Hollows and you’ll become a Vasto Lorde, which means you’re nearly at the top of the food chain. The evolution to Vastocar is much easier now.
All you have to do is press “G” and do a minigame where you press the arrow keys. Do this for 30 seconds and you’ll start to resemble a human being again.

What you want to do now as a Vastocar is go to the quest board and find a job that requires you to Slay an Adjuchas. You’re going to need the money from killing the Adjuchas in order to buy yourself a gym membership.
There’s something mildly amusing about going through all that evolution just to visit the gym. But that’s what you need to do next as a Vastocar.

Go to Karakura Town, if you can’t find the gym then press “9” on your keyboard. Follow the red blip that pops up, that will lead you to the gym. Speak to the bouncer at the entrance to gain access, you’ll need 50 Yen to get inside.

There’s different machines inside that will help train all of your stats to a certain point. We also have a guide on how to level up your stats fast if you want to have a quick peek at that. You’ll have to talk to Kisuke as well to train your Strengh or Spirit.
For the meantime, what you can do next is limitbreaking. You can do that by killing more hollows and doing quests. We also have a basic limitbreaking guide if you want to understand how the mechanics work.

Whenever you’re ready, you can do Invasions next. You can do that by talking to Xavier in Hueco Mundo. Start with the Rank D missions first if you don’t want to have a difficult time.
You can talk to an NPC during other invasions where they’ll offer you a disguise. This disguise will also help you move around safer without having to fight everything that sees you. Keep doing invasions until you’re Level 85 and Rank S minus.

You’re next goal is to become a Segunda, but before that you need to get your Res Weapon first. It’ll involve talking to an NPC inside of the Los Noches Ruins in Hueco Mundo.
Do be informed that you can only get your res weapon in a limited amount of time. Luckily, we have a guide on how to get your resurrection weapon as well.

When you hit level 85 as a Vastocar, you’ll start getting Segunda Points. To initiate a Segunda boss fight, you need a total of 420 points. Unlike going through the different stages of being a hollow, you won’t lose any points while working towards getting your Segunda.
After that, all there’s left to do is return to the Menos Forest once more to pick up your res weapon and challenge the Segunda Boss Hueco Oscuro.

And that’s what you will most likely do while playing as a Hollow in Peroxide. Don’t forget to check out our other guides if you need further information for your campaign!
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