There is a lot of grinding involved in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure-inspired Sakura Stand, and that means gathering a ton of loot from the ground.
In this guide, we’ll be going over the different types of loot in the game and what they contain. You’ll also learn a bit about storing both items and stands!
Complete Loots, Chances & Storages Guide
Enemies, including bosses, can drop loot boxes of different rarities. These can contain varying amounts of cash or tokens depending on its tier, which can be one of the following:
- Tier 1 – Normal Loot
- Tier 2 – Unusual Loot
- Tier 3 – Rare Loot
- Tier 4 – Fantastic Loot
- Tier 5 – Exotic Loot
Basically, you get more money or tokens the rarer the drop. It’s not necessarily the best way to farm up currency, but it adds up over time.
If you need more tokens in particular, we have a guide detailing all of the other methods to farm it.

Random Boxes
Not to be confused with the loot that mobs drop, you will also find boxes all around the map. These spawn every 25 seconds (or 37.5 seconds in private servers), and they can give you the following:
- 10% chance of getting $100 and 0.2% Worthiness
- 10% chance of both $50 and 0.5% Worthiness
- 5% chance of giving $100 and 0.5% Worthiness
While money is obviously for buying items, worthiness is a currency that is used for various other features, such as evolving certain stands.
In addition to cash and worthiness, you also have a chance of getting various items (or nothing) on top of that. These are their rates:
- 50% chance – 1 Stand Arrow or 1 Rokakaka Fruit
- 15% chance – 1 Stop Sign
- 10% chance – 1 Hamon Manual or 1 Spin Manual
- 5% chance – 1 Mysterious Camera or 2 Rokakaka Fruit or 2 Stand Arrow or 1 Stand Arrow & 1 Rokakaka Fruit
- 20% chance – No item drop.
- Unknown chance – Chest keys (these are necessary for the next section of this guide)

Chests & Barrels
Similar to the previously mentioned boxes, chests can be found scattered throughout the map. They require a chest key to open, which will be consumed on use.
Although the drop rates for their contents are unknown, chests can contain one of the following items:
- Stand Arrow (common)
- Rokakaka Fruit (common)
- Stop Sign (common)
- Mysterious Camera (uncommon)
- Stone Mask (uncommon)
- Hamon Manual (uncommon)
- Spin Manual (uncommon)
- Bomu Bomu Devil Fruit (rare)
- Bari Bari Devil Fruit (rare)
- Mochi Mochi Devil Fruit (rare)

One thing to note about chests is that a barrel can spawn in their place instead. These do not really do anything, but they can be sold to Chxmei for $500 each.
Chxmei is an NPC that you can find close to where the dummies are, which is south of the Arena. She will be leaning on a wall right out in the open.

In order to check your item storage, simply press the L button. This will bring up your inventory on the screen, and you can press the button again to close it.
For your stand storage, on the other hand, you will have to travel over to Auddy’s Shop. This building can be found just beside the large Battle Field, and you can’t miss it as it has a giant “SHOP” sign.
There, you have to talk to Simple, who is lying down on top of the counter just beside Auddy. The stand storage has limited slots, but you can buy more for either in–game money or Robux.

And that is everything you need to know about the loot and storage systems of Sakura Stand. Now that you know how to grind up some money and find certain key items, consider checking out our guide on how to obtain every stand & spec, which will require some of this loot!