Morphing and changing your physical appearance in Skibiverse is a fun way to get around without having to wait too long to get to a new location. You have to unlock them first though if you want things to get easier, which is exactly what you’ll be doing if you want to get the Speaker Strider.
If you want to get this morph, going to have to speak to the strider himself. But where is the speaker hiding anyway? What corner of the map can you find it? Check out this guide and get yourself a new skin in no time!
How To Get Speaker Strider
To get started, make sure you have the quest activated. Click on the scroll at the side of your screen and choose the incomplete quest that says Speaker Strider. This is the first part of the quest, and it would be best to start at the Central hub area if you want to follow along.

Once you’re at the spawn point, head over to the second green patch and go through the two buildings. There’s a T-junction at the end of that road, once you see that make a right turn.

Turn left as soon as you see the first intersection. Walk or fly over to the next T-Junction and drop down to the lower level. There should be an archway there that leads into a dark tunnel.

Go inside of the tunnel and make a right turn as soon as you can. Now just follow the tunnel all the way to the back, you’ll see the Speaker Strider when you get to the end.
The strider will tell you to find him some tunes next. Instead of heading back the way you came, teleport back to the central hub.

Check the building on the left. There’s a window on the 5th floor that you can access, but you don’t need to take the stairs.
Go to the left side of the same building and you’ll end up in an alleyway. Turn right shortly and you’ll find a door that will lead you up to the same floor.

Go near the window and pick up the CD on the ground. Turn that back in and you’ll be able to morph into the Speaker Strider.

And that’s how you get the Speaker Strider morph in SkibiVerse. Now you no longer have any need for sprinting or flying!
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